Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Back ground on the Orphans

The Orphanage was started when the Pastor of the JPC went to preach in a village and discovered that there were many orphans that did not have any family and did not go to school because they could not walk the 10 miles to the Government school. So the Orphanage and school was started. In 2006 the school was shut down by the Ugandan Government because they were not teaching to the standard syllabus. (I guess no education is better than a poor quality education) Both the school and orphanage were torn down.

In 2007 the school was built (the picture) there is still no orphanage. The children live with widows, relatives or people from the village. My response was that is good they live with families that is better than living in an orphanage. I was assured this is not better for the children because they are used as slaves.

The children attend school from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. As a result of our support the school is now able to provide the children with 1 meal a day. The meal is usually rice and bananas. They suffer from malaria, skin disease and abdominal pain from poor eating. The children have been so hungry that they had to eat dirt to stop the hunger pains. The church pays for Doctors to visit the children but they do not have enough money to pay for the medicine needed.

Their needs are many, but these children are very greatful for everything they have.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Today I went for my last series of shots. Glad that is over, I have been lucky one member of our team became very ill from the yellow fever shot.

Here is an update on what I plan to do while in Uganda

My Number 1 is to visit with the Orphans from the Christian Academy Mission Orphanage Program and get to know them. I have been working on getting prayer sponsors for each of them. It is overwhelming to think that in Uganda alone there are 1.5 million orphans, these are children raising them selves.

Meeting Pastor Wilson who creates beauful Batik Art, he has 6 children he is trying to support , todate I have sold 2 pieces of Artwork My plan is to have a web site soon.

Meeting Immaculate she has adopted me as her maama , her mother died when she was 8. She is 23 and unemployed living with her father that is very ill. She is interested in going to the Uganda University to study Human Resources. I am going to try to find a corporate sponsor to pay for her education. The cost per semester in Uganda is only $600.00. I will be going to the University while I am there. (I am not sure if I will be speaking there or not)

I will be doing public speaking at Churches while I am there. I have no idea yet what I will be saying. I am not sure what other adventures Pastor Frank has planned for me. I will be speaking at Trinity Covenant Church in Lexington in a couple of weeks.

Interesting news update on Joseph Kony leader of the LRA is suppose to be signing a peace agreement hopefully on May 10th. People are still being abducted by the LRA in the past couple of months. The peace agreement was supposed to be signed the end of March but Joseph Kony got mad and killed all of the people that worked closely with him.
Please ask questions!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 27th 2008- In less than a month I will be leaving

Hello All,
I am becoming a blogger so that I can keep you all posted on my adventure. First a BIG THANK YOU to all that have contributed to building the Orphanage, the total raised so far is $1,107.

I kicked off 3 fund raising events today, the penny drive, cans and my paper dolls. Each paper doll sells for $1.00 and I put it on a big display board. The kids decorate them older people just put their name on it. (I sold 50 today).

May 10th we are having a yard sale at the church (Rain or Shine)the money raised from that will help pay for some of our trip. The yard sale will have a couple of special tables

  • The Great American Bake Sale. This is to end childhood hunger.
  • Mukasa Baskets these are baskets hand made by women around the world living in poverty.
  • BeadsForLife - Beautiful Hand made beads made by women from Uganda
  • Invisible Children - Bracelets and videos (These are in support of the children that are called night travellers. In Northern Uganda children walk to hospitals or train stations to sleep so they will not be abducted by the LRA Joseph Kony) HORRIFYING SITUATION.
  • Urban Promise - Cards and Posters made by the children living in poverty in Camden NJ.

I would love to see you all there.

I recently met Grace Akallo - Co-Author of Girl Soldier. She is an amazing woman. When she was 15 she was one of the 139 girls abducted by the LRA from the Aboke School. Her faith and strenght is inspiring

Tomorrow I go for my final series of shots, not my favorite part of preparing for this trip.