Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sponsored Children

Hello All,
5 of the children from the Christian Mission Academy have sponsors. This now brings steady income to the school. Best of all the sponsored children are now valued by the families they stay with.
Hamilina was in 6th grade and because she is being sponsored she is the first child allowed to attend the 7th grade. This is a huge success 1 life saved from begging or prostitution for a year.

$25.00 per month or $300.00 per year.
You will receive pictures and letters from the child you sponsor.
The Christian Mission Academy receives $20 which they use to feed all of the children and pay the teachers.
The sponsored childs guardians receive a gift every month worth $5.00. In the past the gift has been rice, soap or medicine if the child needs it.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child please contact me

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Starting in the New School

Hello All,
It has been a while since I have updated my blog. I have been without a computer for a couple of month.
The first building has been completed enough for the children to start attending. They will be going to the new school on Monday. I have some pictures which I will be posting.
This is the final semester of the year.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stories behind the Pictures.

When we were leaving the school last year the children chased the car for a long time. This is still a very strong memory. The children are desperate and need help. I promised them I would do everything I can do to help them.

This year my goal is to set up a sponsorship program for each of the children. There are now 180 children and when the new school opens they will have the capacity for 300 children. A pilot program has been started. If you would be interested in sponsoring one of the children please let me know.

Mohamad and Miracle from the Christian Mission Academy's homes. The children do not have the basic needs in life. Their homes are like barns and they sleep on the floor with no bedding or comfort. This is the condition that most of the children from the Christian Mission Academy live in.

The sponsorship money will go to the school and a portion will go to the guardian for the children. The guardian must agree the child will attend school everyday, and the child must be allowed to attend church.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My latest Projects

Hello All,
I have started an on line jewelry business. The jewelry is made by Women in Uganda. They use the money I pay them to purchase food and send their children to school. Every shippment I receive is different many pieces are unique and I have only 1. This shippment has many paper beads, beautiful pieces of artwork created by rolling strips of magazines.
The glass and plastice beads are also made from recyled material. (Very scary how they recyle it) Check out my new Web site.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Steven goes to school

I have started another blog for a book project that I am working on. Another first in my life.
The book is for 1st and 2nd grade students in Uganda, but is a good book for children in the US because it shows the school life of a child half way across the world.
I am reaching out for assistance in getting published.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The school will be finished!

We received a gift from the Titus Foundation of $4,000 the final amount needed to complete the school. This money is being sent this week! The children should be attending the school this summer!
Praise God for providing miracles even in this economy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hello All,
We had a goal of raising $1,000.00 to complete the roof on the building so the children would be able to start attending the new school. We raised and I sent it today.

While I am very excited there is still more to do. We need to raise another $4,000 to complete the school.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


My heart is aching I have a family in Uganda that I am not able to provide for. There are 110 children that I made a commitment to almost a year ago. I am still short $5,000.00 to complete the school for the orphans. The only commitment that I have been able to keep is I send them enough money for them all to have a daily meal of porridge while attending school.

The new school is not completed so the children have been attending the old school for their first 2 semesters. The conditions of the school are horrible. The outhouse is over flowing the school is in the process of being torn down. The old school is condemned and the new school is not complete. This will prevent the 110 children from attending school in June. While the school is not ideal, the teachers are not qualified to teach. It is a place for the children to go and be LOVED. The group of women that teach the children are very kind an loving and teach the children of God’s love. The school is their only hope of a future beyond being a slave.

Some Americans and Canadian visited the children in the fall. The children were all tested for Aids (all are negative) they were vaccinated and dewormed. This is wonderful and an answer to many prayers. The Canadians provided mosquito nets, and a couple honey mooning in the Village of Baka were able to hang 9 of them. Then the Americans from Texas took 40 children from the village to sell for Adoption. 4 of the children were adopted the remainder have been scattered. The Government in Kampala found out the intentions of this individual and shut the project down. I am not sure all the details will ever be known. Please keep these children in your prayers they may be in situations that nightmares are made of.

The Pastor of the school ran off with some of the money for the building project. The families the children are staying with are not allowing them to go back to school. The adults that surround these children are not kind. I have received letters from these children thanking me for providing food for them and enabling them to attend school.

Fund raising is extremely difficult in this economy. I have never directly asked for money it is a very difficult thing for me to do. These children are desperate and I can not be proud. PLEASE consider making a donation.
I promise that 100% of the money donated will go to the children. ANY size donation would be gratefully appreciated. My Sunday school classes has raised over $500.00 by collecting change. ( I am the Sunday School Superintendent )$1.00 is enough money for 5 meals for 1 child.
1 Meal .18 cents
1 Teachers salary $45.00 per month
Please send all checks to
Trinity Covenant Church
7 Clematis Road
Lexington MA 02421
Attention Sandy Gannon
Be Blessed,
Sandy or as I am known by the Orphans “Mammy Sandra Gannon”

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Orphan Update

The children are attending school in the old school, the conditions are not good. The bathroom (hole in the ground) is over flowing. The land lord is charging a high rate for them to stay. Many of their school benches have been stolen. We still need to raise another $5,000 to complete the school, and fund raising is difficult in this economy. Please pray for a solution. and if you can send any size donation would be greatly appreciated!

Their were a few teams of people that went to the village of Baaka. A team from Canada brought 39 mosquito nets to the village. A couple on their honey moon stayed in the village and helped them hang many of the mosquito nets. There was another team that tested the children and village members for HIV, dewormed them and vaccinated all of them. (NONE of the children have HIV). It is amazing how God works to answer prayer.
There was also another group that took children out to sell them for adoption. The took out 40 children but only 4 were adopted before their motives were identified. Pastor Frank told me their is a case against them in Kampala.

Pastor Joseph the Director of the Christian Mission Academy embezzled money from the school project and took off with his family.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Orphange update

There is much news about the orphanage. A team of Americans (supposedly) went to the village and took some of the children saying the would provide them with education. I have no idea where the children were taken. Please pray for them.
Many of the older children's guardians have not allowed them to go back to school. They are using them to do chores or beg for money. The teachers have been going into the village to try and talk the guardians into letting them come back to school. Please pray for them

I have received pictures an letters from the children. I posted one, I am now known as Mammy Sandra Gannon.
To Mammy Sandra Gannon
How are you mammy?
I love you so much.
Thank you for helping me.
God bless you.
Nakafeero Babra

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Orphanage update

The Orphanage is progressing, but the cost is more than expected. We need to raise another $5,500 to complete it. This is going to be a challenge in this economy.
We are planning another arts and craft fair the middle of April. I have purchased some really unique necklaces from one of the members of the Jesus Power Church; they are really beautiful.
The Sunday School Program at TCC is going to be learning about personal sacrifice to benefit others. During lent the children are going to be asked to give up a snack or desert and to save the money. The money will go towards meals for the children at the Christian Mission academy.
We are hoping to raise enough money for 3,300 meal. (1 meal for each child for 1 month
@ .18 cents a meal)
Trinity Covenant Church
7 Clematis Road
Lexington MA 02421
ATTENTION Sandy Gannon

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Orphanage - Update

While the school is coming along slowly. The rainy season has slowed the progress down considerably. The children should be attending their new school in a couple of month. I am still waiting for pictures and updates. When I receive them I will post them.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Changing the World

Together we can change the world!
If we ask God!
April 9th , Maundy Thursday – April 10th, Good Friday
Our Father in Heaven sent his only son to live among us to be an example to us, and to save us from our sins. While on earth he gave us a prayer to say that is an incredibly powerful prayer.
Our Father who are in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
They Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever.
Can you imagine what would happen if all of the Christians in the world (2.1 billion people)were praying this prayer at the same time!!!! Let Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven! Can you imagine?
Our Father in Heaven says “For whenever 2 or more are gathered in my name I am there also.” Matthew 18:20. If the world is asking in ONE large voice I believe we would see the end of the world as we know it! I believe HEAVEN ON EARTH would happen.

I am hoping and praying that this message and request will make it around the world in time to have this happen!
If Christians filled the churches on April 9th Maundy Thursday and celebrated the last supper together, then stayed awake with Jesus praying the Lords Prayer in one loud voice every hour until Friday at 3:00 pm. I truly believe our Father in Heaven would hear our prayer and the world would change.