Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Taste of Uganda!

September 14th Hosting “A Taste of Uganda” .  This fund raiser will help cover some of the cost of the trip.  ~$3,000.00 per person.   
Trinity Covenant Church
Saturday September 14th
6:00 –9:00
A Taste of Uganda
Dinner and Entertainment
Tickets  $20.00
Traditional Ugandan Meal
The Ugandan Children’s choir
New Life International
Songs- Poetry – Traditional Dancing
Update on 2013 trip to Uganda
Loving a Village One Child at a Time

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mission 2013

I start planning my return trip as soon as I get back.  My love for these children is more than I could ever imagine.   I wake up praying for them, I fall asleep praying for them.

The suffering the deal with on a daily basis is more than my mind can comprehend.
Yet their joy and celebration is also more than I can comprehend.
There relationship with God is so powerful. They have it right.  Any gift they receive the first thing they say is PRAISE GOD.    They know all gifts come from  God, their  faith and trust is in God.

300 pounds of luggage packed!   200 more to go!  Every child has a gift!  Thank you to everyone that helped to make this happen!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Another child sold

Another child had been sold into 'maid' service. It is not the business mothers in the US would ever want their daughter to be in.  While I can't imagine being so desperate that I would sell my child  or my self for food.   I  have also never had to eat dirt to fill my stomach during a drought.   I have never been without water for days, weeks,months.  I have never had to make life and death choices for the members of my family.  They survive on the food they grown  in a drought there is no food to eat or sell.  I feel nothing but deep compassion for the child and the mother. Their bodies are all they have to sell.  

Please Pray that we can get Rachel back.
Please pray that we can get Winnie back.

They need to be supported in prayer and these children and their familes needs alternatives to survival. 
Loving a Village One Child at a Time!

Friday, August 2, 2013

CMA August Update

Christian Mission Academy
August 2013

Gift For Every Child
Thank you to everyone that contributed to the gift for every child.  We have achieved the goal!  All 400 children will receive a gift of a nylon back pack with a pen, pencil, pencil sharpener and another small gift. 
The top performers in every class will receive a regular back pack.

Health Care
v     3 families tested HIV positive.  We are providing transportation and food so they don’t feel sick  taking the medication and they can get to the clinic for their treatment. 2 young children tested positive ages 4 and 5.
v     10 Cases of Malaria were treated
v     19 children treated for Jiggers
v     In total 48 children and family members were treated this month for a variety of illnesses.

Heart Breaking Facts 
v     70 children report their dads are dead
v     27 children report their moms are dead

v     44 children have no idea who their mom’s is
v     32 children have no idea who their dad is.

v     102 children are living without their dads   33% of the children
v     59 children are living without their moms   20% of the children

v      28 children list no one caring for them  9%

Children are traded and sold every day  to get money for food or basic needs.  The sponsorship program has helped to rescue several children. 
A sponsored child is less likely to be traded or sold. Only 1 sponsored child has been sold in  the 4 years I have been managing this project and we are still working to get her back.
Getting her back is my number one priority during my visit.

Please consider sponsoring a child or if you are sponsoring a child tell a friend, relative or coworker to consider sponsor a child.
100% of the sponsorship goes toward educating, providing health care for  the child and their family.

Hog Project
The final payment was sent.  The gift that keeps on giving.  An update on the project will be provided next month.
End of the year celebration-  We will transport the children in to Kampala where they will visit several business.  The trip is to make them aware of the opportunities that education will provide.  Coke is one of the factories they will be visiting.
Cost of trip for 400 children $2,000.00  providing lunch and transportation. Praying for better weather than last year!

Please send any gifts or letters to me no later than  September 15th.  I will be bringing 6 27 gallon totes (I received a discount from British Air)
Sandy Gannon
48 Hibiscus Ave
Waltham MA 02451

September 14th Hosting “A Taste of Uganda” .  This fund raiser will help cover some of the cost of the trip.  ~$3,000.00 per person.   

Trinity Covenant Church
Saturday September 14th
6:00 –9:00
A Taste of Uganda
Dinner and Entertainment

Tickets  $20.00
Traditional Ugandan Meal
The Ugandan Children’s choir
New Life International
Songs- Poetry – Traditional Dancing
Update on 2013 trip to Uganda

Loving a Village One Child at a Time
Mom sandy Gwoyagala Nalongo
(The one you love mother of twins)