Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013- Operation get healthy

The primary focus in 2013 will be improving the  health of children at the Christian Mission Academy.
#1 - Testing the children  and documenting their get healthy plan 
#2 - Providing medication for over the counter needs - De worming and skin disease.
#3 - Medical room at the school with a Nurse to care for the sick children.

I am in the process of 
Coordinating an on the ground team to do the testing.
Raising the funds for the test kits
Getting donation for the medication for the skin disease.
If anyone has any contacts to help in  improving the childrena health let me know.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christian Mission Academy 2012 Review

Christian Mission Academy 2012 Review

In 2008 my first visit to Uganda and the Christian Mission Academy the school  buildings were falling down.  Even more devastating than that the children did not have the ability to imagine a future.  They did not know how to dream.  Together we have changed that.  This year I was overjoyed to see the children eyes were sparkling.  They are dreaming of becoming teachers, nurses, mechanics, and even doctors. 

2012 an Amazing year 
Animal Project
We evaluated the animal project and the results were very encouraging. Only 4 families did not receive income from the animal provided.  During our visit walking around Bakka families would call to me to come and see there animal.  They were so proud and happy.  Some families sell the animal when it is grown and purchase another baby. With the additional money they purchase clothes, seed for food and supplies for the home.  Some families mate there animal and sell some of the babies.  They have a source of income they never had before.  The families that have  female goats also enjoy the milk.

The Christmas Field Trip
The buses picked the children up at school.  How they made it into the village is a mystery to me.  It was raining, a bus slipped off the road and got stuck in the mud.  The men in the village helped push the bus out. 
The field trip included 3 activities
1. The Entebbe Airport to see the Airplanes up close.
2. Entebbe Zoo.  The teachers were as excited as the children most of them had never been out of the village. 
3. Lake Victoria to play in the playground and admire the water, plus a picnic lunch. 

This field trip opened a new world for the children and expand their  hope and dreams.

Saving a Life
Farouq  suffering from spinal TB was provided life saving medical care. He is now able to sing in the school choir and attends school everyday.

v     375 children provided a meal everyday
v     10 teachers paid on time every month
v     35 additional families have animals
v     18 boys on the soccer team received shoes
v     Additional land purchased for the school
v     The Students saw there first movie
v     62 children sponsored – there is still a month left maybe I will reach my goal of 100.

2013 – Focus on
Improving the children’s health  *Government Certification for the School
I have seen many horrifying sights when I visit the village.  This year I witnessed a fly lava hatching from inside a babies nose. This magnified my passion to improve the lives of these children.  They need simple medication to help cure their skin disease, a more nutritious diet for their malnutrition, medication to get rid of the worms inside their bellies. 

Estimated cost to achieve these goals

  1. Medical Evaluations for every child- $20.00 per child- $8,000
  2. Treatment for worms-  TBD Contacting Pharmaceutical companies for free treatment.
  3. Skin diseases – many are treatable by desitin.  Collection drive to ship. Cost of shipping $100.00
  4. Ongoing treatment for Farouq- TBD
  5. A new building – Library – Medical Center – Office – Kitchen  ~$25,000
  6. Benches for the class room $2,100.00
  7. Fence for the school- TBD
  8. Secondary Students Uniforms -$1,300

Total ~$50,000

2013 School Monthly operating budget
$1,200.00 Monthly  Staff Salaries
$1,000.00- school lunches
$   420.00 secondary students  monthly school fees
$2,620.00  Month Total  
 Yearly Total  $31,400

2013 -  Budget   $81,400  Yes this is more than double last years budget.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Field Trip Slide show

I finally figured out how to add the pictures from Picasa web pages.  Click on the slide show and it will open up. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christian Mission Academy Field Trip

The children and teacher all loaded into 4 buses in the rain to go on their adventure.  I can't imagine how the buses made it into the village the roads are so narrow.  It was raining and one of the buses got stuck in the mud.  This delayed the field trip some. 
There first stop was the air port but they got to see planes up close and see one take off. 
They then went to the Entebbe Zoo where the pictures say it all.  .
After the zoo they went to Lake Victoria where the children played at the play ground checked out the water and had their lunch.  The teachers enjoyed the day as much as the students.

The children will remember this day for the rest of their life.
Thank you to every one that helped make it happen.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Season of Giving

The perfect gift for someone that is hard to buy for or has everything they need.  
Please indicate which gift you are providing.  I will mail you a card and  when the child or teacher  receives the gift a picture will be take an emailed to you. This picture may take a month from donation.
  • Sponsorship - $300 - indicate age and sex preference.
  • Meal for all the children - $1,000
  • Teachers Salary - Monthly - $77.00
  • Shoes - $25.00
  • Animal - $25 pig - $50- goat
  • blanket - $25
  • mattress - $25
  • School Uniform - $10
  • Mosquito net - $10
  • UN-Designated  -

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christmas Field Trip- November 28th

On November 28th- 300 Children  3rd grade through the 7th grade and 9 Teachers from the Christian Mission Academy  will be going  on an adventure they will remember for the rest of their lives.
Most of the students and teachers have never been out of Bakka.  They will be going on 4 buses to the Entebbe Zoo, visiting the Entebbe Air port and eating lunch somewhere in either Kampala or Entebbe.
Every field trip even in the US  is filled with joy and stress for the team that coordinate the event and attends the event I am requesting  the following prayers. 

Thank God for providing the funds for this trip.  It is amazing that the funds were raised in two weeks! 
Thank God for our on the ground Project Management Team; Hope, Paddy and Pastor Frank.  They are the team that is making it happen!
Pray for the Lords Blessings on the day
For good weather, rain makes the roads very hazardous,
Pray for the Drivers of the buses, the roads are hazardous, safety for all on the trip,
Pray for the children
Pray for safety and and a joyful  day for all.
Pray for the chaperons 

     1. Kawola Maurine Head Mistress P7
     2. Kibirango David- P6
     3. Babirye Joyce- P5
     4. Mawanda Micheal- P4
     5. Nakaungu Suzan –P3
     6. Birungie Esther- P2
     7. Nalwanga Edith –P1
     8. Kayitesi Margaret- Top Class
     9. Nasolo Betty – Baby Class

     10. Hope Kalibbala - Project Manager
     11. Paddy Walikira- Project Manager
     12. Pastor Frank Mukiliza- Pastor

I will  be providing updates after the trip.  Thank you all for your support!
love mom sandy gwoyagala

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bakka Christmas Field Trip

I received an email from Pastor Frank today saying there will be a teacher /adult for every 20 children on the field trip.
The teachers from the school are as excited as the kids are  They have never been to the zoo or Entebbe before. :)

We are very close to making our goal we just  $500.00 more.  My Partners in Uganda tell me this will be a Christmas the children and the teachers  will remember the rest of their life.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Planning Baka Christmas Celebration 2012

Every year we provide a special Christmas Gift to the children at the Christian Mission Academy.  This year along with the meal we are going to provide a field trip to the zoo.  This will be another first for many children.
Their first field trip
The first time they will be in a van,
The first time they will see Kampala and
The first time they will see the zoo
The first time they will have a meal out.

This trip will cost ~$2000.00
I will be having several craft sales where the proceeds will go toward this event.  Please consider attending one of these events or making a donation.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Highlights from Uganda 2012

I just returned from my 4th visit to Uganda.  It was truly and amazing blessing to be there with the children and the people I love so dearly.   We were cared for and loved by an amazing group of people. Agnes and Rose shopped, cooked,  washed our clothes and cared for us daily.  Hope, Paddy and Pastor Frank our on the ground Project Management team informed us and guided us through our visits.  Delgracious drove us day and night with driving skills that were amazing.  Esther the teacher from the school lead us around the village to all of the homes we visited. Nicolas guided us through the craft fair and helped me purchase some amazing crafts.  Below is the outline of our trip.
Sunday October 21st at 5:00 pm we left for our adventure. After confirming that our connecting flight was not cancelled.
Monday October 22nd we arrived in  Entebbe at 11:20PM.  We were greeted by 13 people.
Rose, Agnes, Nicolas, Hope, Edrian, Paddy, Delgracious, Julie, Immaculate, Issac, Maggie, Lydia, and Pastor Frank. A van and car was needed to transport all of us plus our 450 lbs of luggage to the apartment.

Tuesday October 23rd we went to the Christian Mission Academy.  We were greeted by a team of children doing traditions dance and the remainder of the children lined up.  This is always one of the most emotional times of the visit.  375 children lined up for as far as we could see. All singing and clapping with joy but their physical illnesses are very obvious, skin disease, lice and swollen bellies.
After the children sang a couple songs and we greeted them in return. We were  then off on our marathon home visits.
Our first visit was Farouq's home.   His mom was so grateful for the care we had provided for her son.  She showed us her garden that supplies the food for them plus Farouq showed us his hog.  He is so proud of the hog.  We made plans for Farouq next step in his medical treatment.  He will have surgery in January for the hernia in his chest.
While walking to Angels house we had a quick visit with Barbaras's mom and saw hog that will be sold soon because he is rough.
Second visit was Angel a sweet young child that was over joyed with her tweetie back pack.  Her mom was also grateful for the sewing kit and money provided.

The third home we visited was the teacher Esther and  her daughter Penniah, Sadrick and Experito.  The baby Sadrick was afraid of us, white people are very scary. :) This was by far the nicest home we visited there were 2 coaches and a chair in the multi purpose room.  Esther has a very good heart and opens her home to many kids form the Christian Mission Academy.

Forth home visit was Nelco.  He and is sister are living alone because his mom has HIV and is no longer able to care for them.  Pastor Chris prayed for the family and healing for their mom.

The final visit for the day,  Peter, Joseph and Babiyira or so we thought. We found out that Babiyira is also a twin. The mother was not home she had gone to get money.  (sell herself)  The dad was caring for the kids.
We scrambled and found a gift for the 4th child.

 Wednesday October 24th  We first visited Show Mercy International to deliver the 120 Malaria test kits and the 100 Typhoid test kits from Science with a Mission. The timing of the visit was not good  because Show Mercy was holding a Pastors conference so we did not get a tour.  Then we went back to the Christian Mission Academy for the next group of home visits.  These children lived a little further from the school so we rode to their homes.  The rode was so filled with holes sometimes it felt like the van was going to tip over.  Our very skilled driver Delgracious kept us safe.

First visit  of the day was Steven Madada (Ricardo). His home is a mud shack, his mom rents it is so poorly built and failing it will collapse in the next heavy rain.  Inside the mud hut was a 6 month old baby.  The room was about 6 by 6 with nothing but a mat.  We are investigating finding another place for them to rent. We will make up the difference. 

Second home was down the path away, we past by 2 pigs submerged in water trying to stay cool.  This visited was special because Tony's sponsor was part of the team.  His mom was so grateful for the gift.  Tony now has his Christmas outfit. They were both very excited.
8 Children have had their US sponsors visit them in Uganda this is so powerful.  To meet the person that loves them from across the world.
While walking down the road we met Frank Bongles grandmother she expressed her gratitude for the sponsorship program. 

Third home visit Alice.  We visited Alice because she has been writing to me asking me to pray for her Grandmother continuously since February.  Her grandmother is suffering from high blood pressure. The first place we stopped her Grandmother was not there. We went to her home where she was waiting for us.  She is also suffering from gum disease. Pastor Chris prayed for her and her family.

After visiting Alice we went by the Secondary school where our graduating students are attending. This school is very impressive and the students are doing well.  It was a wonderful visit.  Next year we may have a graduating class of 13.  I am praying we will be able to sponsor all of them.  Attend my craft sales please!

Fourth home visit for the day Yosi.  We all thought the van was going to tip over driving to his home.  It was at a 45 degree angle.  Yosi is staying with his mom and sister.  Across the street from his home there were two little boys playing one was naked.  He is still leaky.  The older child was ~ 4 and the younger child maybe 2.  The 4 year old was caring for the 2 year old while his mom was off working in someones field.

Fifth visit of the day was Mathius.  He was staying with Esther and is now staying with his cousins and Grandfather.  There were several young children at the home the relationships were not clear.  Living with his grandfather Mathius is still allowed to attend school.  When he was staying with his dad he was not that is why he was staying with Esther.

The sixth visit of the day was Specozia.  This baby walks very far alone everyday, no other child lives near her.  She walks past a very large ant hill.  Scary what may be in it.  When we gave her the gift from her sponsor she disappeared into her home to change right into it.  Her mom said it would be her Christmas outfit.

Wednesday evening we were off to Church. Pastor Chris provided ideas and leadership guidance to the the leaders of JPC.   

Thursday October 25th.  The day of celebration at the Christian Mission Academy.  We started the day with the classroom visits passing out lollipops and pencils to every child.  We then met with all of the sponsored children and passed out their gifts.
All the children were provided a special meal.  Rice, sauce, beef and a soda.  Yes the Bzungus caused a bit of a ruckus in passing out drinks.  Lesson learned let the teacher do what they know how to do organize the children.
We then passed out the dolls to children identified by the teachers.
The final event of the day was the movie.  This event did not go as planned the movie we brought with us Lion King did not work. Hope and Paddy saved the day by coming up with an alternative movie the children were able to see their first movie ever. 

Friday October 26th.  Katie and I spent the day with our Ugandan family.  Rose, Agnes, Nicholas, Steven, Barbara, Misha, Malcom and Delgracious.  We first went to the craft fair and identified additional products that Rose, Agnes and their mom could make.  With Nicholas expert  guidance we purchase several very unique and beautiful products.
We then went to visit their Mom in the village.  The home she lives in is surrounded by avacado trees, banana trees, mango trees it is a tropical paradise.  She also has 3 little pigs.  The compound itself is still being constructed but will be a wonderful haven for the family when it is complete.  To end the day we had a meal.  The day visit was very good.
At 5:00 we were off to visit the sewing business.  The women are doing amazing work and creating many cute outfits from the pillow cases.
At 6:00 we met with the ladies at JPC the plans needed to change because there was no power so we could not show the movie.  I read Ann Menzi's sermon and Hope translated.  We did this by candlelight.  There always has to be a plan B.  The ladies enjoyed the sermon very much.  The meeting ended at 8:30.
Friday Todd Klipp arrived and provided another blessing to the women.  He is funding the beauty salon another opportunity for the women to earn a living.

Saturday October 27th  Our site seeing day.  We drove through Kampala, past the US Embassy. No pictures allowed. :) We then learned about the Ordinary and the Executive status in Uganda.  We visited the Ordinary Lake Victoria and the Executive Lake Victoria. The Ordinary was crowed,  filled with people selling their goods.  The Executive was clean and quite the Ordinary people are not allowed, the taxi we were riding in was also not allowed to park in their parking lot.  While the Executive lot was beautiful it was also sad because none of the money raised goes back to improve the conditions of the people right outside the gate.  The Ordinary have no resources or power to change their lives or conditions and the Executives choose not to do anything.  Deadlock.
Saturday evening we attended a celebration the Sponsored college students held in Todds honor at  a very classy restaurant.  This is when we learned about hurricane Sandy.

Sunday October 28th  We attended Sunday School at 11:00 Pastor Chris taught the adults and Katie and I attended the children's class.  Nicolas is doing an amazing job of teaching the children they were all paying close attention and knew the answers to his questions. One child Ruth was able to answer some really tough questions I was very impressed.  Nicolas also taught the children to dance and sing which they did during the service.  It was a true gift.
The Church service ended at 2:00 (no snacks or lunch was served) then there was a leaders meeting until 3:00.
When we left the church we went to Aminas home a women from the church suffering from HIV.  She is weak and unable to attend church.  We then had a tour of the medical center her daughter Clair works at.  The Doctor and owner of the center was very gracious in providing a very detailed tour.
We then took the supporting team to lunch an Nandos'  Rose Agnes and Clair tasted a hamburger for the first time in their lives. It was a wonderful day.
In the evening Pastor Chris, Pastor Frank, Todd, Hope, Paddy and I met to discuss the project and needs. This is the evening that Pastor Chris fell in a hole when a grate fell in.  He hurt his back it was very scary moment.

Monday  October 29th our final day in Uganda. We went back to the Christian Mission Academy.  The school choir sang and danced for us.  Farouq now has the energy to sing in the choir!  The teachers and the girls net ball team played a game the futeball team played a game the children ran races and  the school showed us all their love.  We ended the day with a group picture and an emotional goodby.
Monday evening we were off to the airport with many  loving kind people. They stood outside the airport waving and watching us until they could no longer see us.  

Tuesday  October 30th we landed in Logan an hour early.  God had provided amazing travel mercies!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4 days - Our rough Agenda

Uganda here we come.

  1. Sunday afternoon leaving Boston
  2. Monday arriving in Uganda around midnight
  3. Tuesday - Off to the village of Bakka visiting the Christian Mission Academy and starting our marathon home visits.
  4. Wednesday - more home visits and bringing test strips from Science with a Mission to Show Mercy.  I love it when organizations compliment each other.
  5. Thursday- Visiting the Christian Mission Academy giving them a special meal and having their first movie night ever.  Lion King. 
  6. Friday- Shopping and visiting our friends in Makindei
  7. Saturday - Visiting the womens sewing business and showing the ladies, Ann Menzies sermon on Esther.
  8. Sunday- Church - and out to dinner
  9. Monday back to the Christian Mission Academy to say our goodbys and leave to come home
  10. Tuesday - Arrive back in Boston

Sunday, October 14, 2012

1 week away!!!!

58 children sponsored! 42 more to meet the goal!   Please Please consider $6.00 per week- $25 per month or $300.00 per year.  I am praying 2 more children are sponsored before I leave :)
I received  a wonderful gift of 4 bags of clothes for the kids at the Christian Mission Academy Please go to my blog if you are willing to donate toward transporting them $200.00 for every extra bag. We will have 2 extra bags.  Total $400.00 Donations are tax deductible and the donate but is with Pay pal very secure!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Less than a MONTH AWAY!

The trip to Uganda is less than a month away!  You could not possibly imagine how excited I am!   I already have 200 lbs of luggage.   We (3 of us)  will be bringing at  least 450 lbs of luggage with us. 
Some really great things  are planned for our trip.
We will be at the Christian Mission Academy 4 days

  • Visiting at least 18 of the sponsored children’s homes.  
  •    Every child at the school will receive a pencil, candy and biscuits (I truly wish I could bring them some cookies from the US)
  • Every class will receive several pencil sharpeners( What good are pencils if you don’t have a way to sharpen them)
  •   The school will receive several wiffle balls and bats- jump ropes-crayons – markers- recorders – Frisbees and so much more.
  • Many children  and the younger class rooms will receive hand made dolls
  • We will bring a generator to the school and show the kids the movie the Lion King. (The first time the children have seen a movie.
  •  At movie night provide the children with pop corn, candy and a soda.
  • The children will receive a special meal.   Meat –rice-sauce and gravy and a soda
  •  I want every child to have a peanut butter sandwich  and juice box during our visit. 
Many have never had a peanut butter sandwich.  Can  any of you even imagine being so poor that you  never had a peanut butter sandwich? 

Jesus Power Church

  • We will be speaking- (Several time)
  • Meeting with the ladies and showing– Video of the Sermon on Esther  by  Trinity Covenants own Ann Menzie translated into Lugandan by Steven Kakiyira
  • Visiting the Sewing Business-  I am so excited that we have received pictures of children wearing the pillow case dresses. 

 In 2 weeks we will be having our Dancing Through the Decades Fund Raiser.  It is the biggest fund  raising event I have coordinated.   I am nervous  it will not be successful.  Attend it you can 

 Please pray that this event is well attended and helps us to reach our goal. I am praying we raise $1,000.00. 
 Some of our planned expenses

  • Meal for all the children - $400.00
  • Movie night for the children $200.00
  • Peanut butter sandwich for every child-$175.00
  • Transport back and forth to the village - $250.00
  • Air tickets ~ $5,100.00
  • Extra luggage$200.00 per bag

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The gift of love

All the students in the 7th grade received their animal this week.  This is a gift that will keep on givingthe animals will growthey will multiply and provide for the children. 

5 children  received the gift of handmade quilts. 
Pictures posted.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dancing Through the Decades

Dancing Through the Decades

Come dressed in your favorite era: 50's 60's 70's and 80's

Saturday, October 6th 7:00 – 11:00pm American Legion Hall

Waverly Oaks Road, Waltham MA

Tickets $20.00 each or a table of 10 for $180.00- Tables will be reserved for the group

Please mail your check and number of tickets/tables to:

Trinity Covenant Church

7 Clematis Road, Lexington MA 02421

ATTENTION Sandy Gannon

Your help and support is greatly


Monday, August 20, 2012

Jesus Power Church Training Center

The JPC Training Center is managed by Florence. She opens the shop at 10:00 am and spends all day teaching 7 women creative designs for the pillow cases closing the center at 6:00pm.  Starting in September 2 more ladies from the village  will be attending classes.
Florence is paid $80.00 per month..  
Trinity Covenant Women keep the ladies supplied with pillowcases they are shipped out monthly, $50.00 a box they go by slow boat and take up to 6 months to arrive.
The rental space is $80.00 per month.
For $210.00 per month we are changing the lives of several women their families.
This project is funded by the sale of crafts.
Crafts From Around the World
Trinity Covenant Church
7 Clematis Road
Lexington MA 02421
10:00am – 2:00pm 
                                                               Saturday September 13   
Tickets will be on sale for the
Dancing Through the Decades

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Questions - Answers

I receive many of the same questions when talking about the school.  Here are some of them with the answers.

Why do the girls shave their hair off?  The children battle many parasites including hair lice. Keeping their hair shaved helps them control what they can. Side Pictures- Lamulah and Specioza are both girls needing sponsors.

What do the children during their school break? The children report in their letters that they spend their school semester breaks digging on the land.  They do not have or take vacations.

When does their school year begin?  The school year begins in February and Ends in November.  They have 2 months off.  They have a month break around Easter then again August until September.  The children take a final exam in November if they don't pass the final exam they are not promoted.

What is Net Ball?  I used to think Net Ball was Volly Ball but it is actually basketball played in a field.  The girls love it.  The children LOVE cheering on their classmates during their games.

What do the children eat for snacks?  The children have porridge for lunch. For snack they bring sugar cane and tear it off with their teeth. 

How many children attend the school?  There are about 400 children attending the school.  The come from 135 families.  Many children are orphans or abandoned that have been taken in by gurdians.
Not all gurdians are good, many take the children in to use them as slaves.

How many children are in a class room?  In the lower grades there are about ~ 50 children in the classroom.  As the children get older many  are not allowed to attend school. They are more valuable to their gurdians or parents working in the fields.This year the 7th grade class has 13 students, last year the 7th grade class had 8 students and in 2010 there were only 4.  We are making progress.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Preparing for Uganda

Preparing to go to Uganda in October
My first 50lb suitcase is filled to the brim with  clothes for the children, books, school supplies, water bottles, jump ropes, chalk,  recorders, wifflle balls and bats.  A few sponsored children's gifts. 
Donations of  small baby dolls would be greatly appreciated.  

Another blessing! We received a large donation of books (6 boxes) for the Christian Mission Academy.  They are in English which the student are now being taught in school.  They will go by slow boat. It costs $50.00 a box to ship donations would be greatly appreciated.

Does anyone know a school that has books to donate?

Contact me if you have something you would like to donate the need is so great almost anything can be used.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Animal project update.

Christian Mission Academy- July update!
This month we did an evaluation of the animals provided to the children over the past several years. Our evaluation confirmed the project is a success! Several children now have multiple animals. Many of the children sold their mature animal to purchase clothes, shoes and purchase a baby animal to do it again. Only 4 animals died without providing income to the family
During the month of August,
11 families will be receiving a goat or hog.
11 children will receive mosquito nets
10 children will receive a mattress
10 children will receive a blanket.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

This years half way  highlights.
1.  Farouqs treatment will be complete next month.  The doctors are amazed at the progress he has made. 
2.  We provided the teachers a 50% raise and have been able to raise enough money to cover it every month
3. Unexpected- We purchased the land next to the school.  This was unexpected because we had been renting this land. The owner died and his surviving children decided to sell it.  We had to act quickly.  God answered my prayers- we raised $12,250 in 3 months to complete the purchase.
4. Sent 10 boxes in 3 shipment filled with toys and pillow cases for the ladies sewing business.  They go by slow boat. The first shipment has arrived.
5. Goal of 100 children sponsored by the end of the year July we reached the halfway mark.  49 to reach 100.
6.  All 8 secondary students are sponsored for their high school education.  Early 2013 goal is for this graduating class of ~13 students (If they pass) to receive sponsorship for their secondary eduction
7. All the children are fed lunch now.  Still need to coordinate getting them mats for a nap before they walk home.
8.  We received a very generous donation. Every family at the school will receive the gift of an animal goat, hog or chickens.
9.A team of 5 people will be going to Uganda the end of October.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July update --

We made it to the half way mark 50 children sponsored.  The Sponsorship project is making amazing progress this year. 
The children will be on break for the month of August returning the beginning  of September.

Upcoming Events - Mark your calendars

August 6th  12- 5 The Waxy O'Connor fund raising is 1 month away. Please let me know if you are planning on attending.

September 15th Crafts from Around the World  10 -2 @ Trinity Covenant Church.
Hold the date October 6th,  7pm - 10pm  to attend a fund raising dance.  More details coming  soon be prepared to come dress in your favorite dance trend - 50's - 60's - 70's or 80's. We already have a DJ and now just need to finalize where.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The link above is to the Lexington Minuteman Article Thursday June 28 th.
Some background on the Picture and how powerful it is to me.  In 2010 I went to Uganda by myself.  This picture was taken the first  day I visited  the Christian Mission Academy on this trip.  The  School had new school blocks.  They planned  a  school dedication ceremony.  I arrived and the children were lined up in two rows  that extended as far as I could see with a path for me to walk through.  They were clapping and chanting my name.  The emotions I felt that day were more intense then word can express.  I felt amazing joy seeing these children I love,  I felt happiness and  could see hope in the children faces.  I felt unworthy of the task, I felt overwhelmed with pain seeing so many children filled with disease, extended stomachs filled with worms,  cut on their feet with bug lava in it, lice malnutrition.  I had no idea how God could use me to change their lives.    On my way home in 2010 I had an 8 hour layover in Amsterdam the pain and emotion of the challenges I faced in changing these children lives overwhelmed me tears rolled down my face as I wrote a journal of what I experienced.
I made a promise to these children that I would do everything in my power to improve their live. I keep that promise every day.  The children are now provided a meal every day.  The school they attend is clean and safe.  They have a water tank so they don't need to walk far to get water for lunch.    The teachers are paid monthly this year they received the 50% raise they requested.  The soccer team has shoes.
There is still so much need.
The children still need medical attention, they need better food,  the school still needs books, the teachers need training.   If we reach the 100 children sponsored this year we will be on track to do many of these things.

mum sandy gwoyagala

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Junes Progress Report

God is doing Amazing things with this project,  I am eagerly anticipating  where God is taking this project next.

Yesterday we sent the final payment to purchase the land next to the school.  Total $12,200.00
Future plans for the land- building projects Staff Office- Library and Medical Office. The final payment was made 2 months early!

Wednesday  -I was interviewed at the Lexington Minuteman. The article will be in the paper next Thursday plus a small video clip on the web. I am recorded while answering the final question. ( It was very hot and I was melting)

Friday – I was interviewed by the Covenant Companion Magazine.  The article will be in the July issue.  

Before these interviews I prayed that the words that came through me would be God’s words and not mine. I continue to pray that the words printed are God’s words.  I ask that you join me in this prayer for the reporters writing these stories.

Farouq- only has 2 more appointment and his treatment is complete.  Praise God for this miracle.

48 children sponsored!  I pray we make it to the half way mark by the end of June!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Farouq - Imagine his life

Hello All,
Today Farouq had his 8 month check up he is still making amazing progress.  He has energy and can play like he never has before.  He is filled with joy in his new life.  His life changing treatment cost $100.00 per month.  This provides for his transport from Bakka to Entebbe, his monthly prescription and some food for the month.
His mom could never have provided this for her son. This precious young man would have faced certain death if he was not sponsored. His mom provides for her family by subsistence farming and a good weeks pay is  $8.00 most weeks they survive with no income. 

Imagine Farouq and his Moms life, living in a mud hut  with no electricity, no running water no furniture.  Mosquito's filled with malaria buzzing around every night while they are trying to sleep on the dirt floor covered with rags.  Waking in the morning hungry, dehydrated and hurting.  The day begins walking  a long distance in the hot sun to fetch water, to use for washing up, cooking, washing clothes,washing dishes and drinking. They carrying the heavy jerry cans of water on their heads so their hands are free to carry and sticks they may find for the fire for cooking. Farouq so weak and out of breath his lungs and heart are being crushed by the disease filling his body,  he can barely stand up but he needs to carry the water home. He has to take many rest breaks. 
After fetching water and washing up Farouq will then go to school still hungry.  He is so weak that the older boys  see Farouq they pick him up and carry him to school.  Most days Farouq will collapse at school and the older boys will carry him home long before the school day ends.
When Farouq leaves for school his  Mom  starts her daily work digging on the land  with her hands and any sharp rock she might find to plant the seeds.   She is praying they  will  grow  and provide  enough  food  and income for the family to survive on.    Worrying about her young sons failing health.  There is no money for medication, going to a doctor is not possible.  The only thing she could do was to call upon the Lord for help.

The Lord answered her prayer with the sponsorship program
While Farouq and his Mom still have great need their lives have improved significantly.  Because Farouq has a sponsor he now has a mosquito net, mattress, and a warm blanket.  He is sleeping better, his health is getting better. 

This is just one story of how the sponsorship program has changed a childs life forever there are many more.  Every child that attends the Christian Mission Academy lives would be unimaginable in the US.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sponsorship Update

Hello All
46 children are sponsored  only 54 more to meet this years goal.
$25.00 per month or $300.00 per year
If you already sponsor a child tell one of your friends or relatives about this program.  I am sure there are 54 people that would love to be involved in  changing a child's life and an entire village.  
School fees and life changing gifts..

200 people giving $5.00 per month  to feed  400 children we are at 20.
My fault for not advertising it enough, I will get working on this over the weekend.
love mum sandy gwoyagala

Friday, June 1, 2012

Excerpts from sponsored childrens letters

Today I receive  letters the children wrote to their sponsors.  Receiving the letters always brings me great joy and great sorrow.  I am going to share with you so excerpts from their letters.
Alice - 3rd grade- "I am fine but my grandmom is sick, please pray that she gets well. I thank you for your prayers."
Alice lives with her grandmom with no parents.

Gartrude -2nd grade newly sponsored.   "Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for my net. much love Babiye Gatrude"

Miracle- 6th grade "Thank you for choosing me from all pupils at school.  I know one day you will come and visit me and my family. I will be very great full when I see you on my eyes."

Joseph -3rd grade  'Thank you for loving and caring for us. Thank you for being my spuncer. I love you and are happy of you.

Brian -5th grade "How is your life? Thank you for everything you are doing for me. Thank you for the matress I am going to sleep alone"

Cathy -4th grade "Thank you for the endless support you render to us.  I am happy of it"

Juliet- 4th grade  " How are you there in America?  Here in Uganda we are ok.  Thank you for the prayers and support you send me. .. I love you bye"

Josephine - grade 6 "I greet you in the name of Jesus how are you and your family?"

Faith- 5th grade "Thank you for the gifts you render to me.  Thank you for the good blanket you gave me."
Margaret- 2nd grade " How are you?  I am not fine because I am suffering from malaria"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why Uganda?

 I am often asked why Uganda ? Sandy there is so much need in the US,  why Uganda.  I will never know why God called me to Uganda but he did. God showed me horrors that I have never seen before and  he called me to make a difference. 
In Uganda God gave me a family of  400 children filled with disease, malnutrition, bug lava in their cracked dry skin, worms in their empty bellies with no hope.  These children  are are often  traded as slaves to other farms, many are abused by their guardians,or worse by people offering their families a hopeful future with education for their child and actually selling them into the sex trade.
I am on my knees every morning asking God to please help me  provide, food shelter, clothing and joy for my family in Bakka.
What would you do?


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Farouq - Update

Dear mom Sandy,
i pray you are fine. We came back late yesterday and i couldn't send you these photos. According to the doctor, Farouq is responding well to treatment and has gained strength. It is unfortunate that he could not be operated to remove the deformation but his life has changed tremendously because he can do all the things he couldn't do by himself before. He is very lively and active. He no longer misses school because of the heaviness he used to feel in his chest.

Farouq stays with his mother and sometimes his step brothers Semakula and Mukibi; they share the same mother but different fathers. The mom only works in a small garden right behind their small house. It is from this garden that they get food to eat at home.

Farouq's mother, though concerned, didn't have anything to do about her son's situation. But again, she was ignorant how dangerous it had gotten. The boy was extremely weak, he could make several stops on the way to school to get some rest, he could hardly attend a full class session and could some times be carried back home by the bigger boys before the end of school day. It was after mom Sandy insisted that we visit a doctor that we realized that his situation was worse than we thought. He needed immediate medical attention or else he stood a high chance of losing his life. We immedeately started treatment and the boy responded so well. So much that was hidden on the inside of him is being revealed today. He loves to play and h is very friendly. He has a good appetite, unlike before.These changes have happened his his life because of the support of Mom sandy. Thank you so much and may the Lord richly bless you.

One other problem he has is hernia which couldn't operated while undergoing the current treatment.

The children are starting school on Monday the 14th. That is next Monday. Yes mom, I received the three umbrellas. They were in the box with the medicine. Thank you so much and may the lord bless you.

Much love

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sponsorship update

Hello All
44 children are sponsored  only 56 more to meet this years goal.
$25.00 per month or $300.00 per year
NO ADMINSTRATION FEES- NO MARKETING  100% goes to the child.
School fees and life changing gifts.

200 people giving $5.00 per month we are at 13.
My fault for not advertising it enough. 
My day job gets in the way. :) LOL

Friday, May 4, 2012

Amazing- support

Amazing things are happening!   We only need $5,000.00 to purchase the land next to the school.  This is amazing because we just started working on this 2 months ago.

Donations are coming in for everything, shoes, school benches, pregnant goats, land, food, medication and the best gift a donation to build a bigger house for Hassan and his guardian.  His home was too small to hold the mattress when we visited.

God is blessing this project.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Uganda 2012

Amazing show of support today.  We raised enough money for 8 desks 2 more children sponsored.
Total 44 children

Return trip to  Uganda BOOKED - Leaving October 21st returning on October29th.
I think 4 people might be going with me.
That means 10 - 50lb suit cases. -Now to decide what to bring.....


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Update April 1, 2012

This weeks update- The 3 boxes shipped by slow boat last November were received in Kenya 2 weeks ago and should be arriving in Uganda early this week.
This week I shipped 3 more boxes by slow boat ( small toys for the children at the sewing business, clothes and school supplies) should arrive in 4- 6 months and
I also sent 1 small box of asthma medicine for Laughton (the Project Manager in Uganda Hope's young son) by plane should arrive in a month (with notes and cards for the sponsored kids). When I ship by plane the estimate is 2 weeks but my experience is that is always get stuck at customs in Amsterdam for a couple of weeks.

The children will be having there Easter Dinner this Friday. I will send pictures. Many of the sponsored children should be receiving a gift and the entire soccer team should be receiving their shoes.

The Track and field competition is Wednesday
The names of the children to represent the school in the track regional are: (I was surprised Geofrey and Scovia are not on the list they are both very fast)

Nasimbwa Racheal
Twakire Pross
Nalwanga Pross
Namirimu Winnie- sponsored
Ndagire Sylvia
Sozi Muhamad
Mivule LAwrence
Mugerwa John- newly sponsoroed
Muwonge Keneth
Bongole Frank- sponsored
Nabakibi Teddy
Nakawesa Joyce
Nakigudde Gertrude
Nambi Teopsta
Nakimuli Winnie-

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


This past month has been amazing filled with so many Blessings,

1. Frouq health is progressing better than the doctors expected. He is able to walk to and attend school on a steady basis.

2. Lilly one of the sponsored children was taken from her guardian the end of last year was found and returned to school.

3. All 8 of the secondary students received the money they needed for their uniforms and school supplies.

4. Edward was not allowed to return to school at the beginning of the year, he is older and more valuable to the family working in the field. He is recently sponsored and now he is allowed to attend school.

5. The women sewing business will be receiving train the trainer training. At the end of the month 5 women will be able to train other women on how to make pillow case dresses.

6. A young girl Reharna Ninima had been purchased as a house maid from a village. Pastor Frank found out she was being abused and rescued her. She is now living in the sewing rental space and managing opening it and closing it on a daily.

7. We have raised enough money to feed all 400 children a daily meal of porridge.

8. We are close to raising enough money for the boys futeball (soccer) team to have shoes. (I can’t imagine playing soccer with bare feet)

9. 35 Children are sponsored 65 more to meet our goal of 100 children sponsored.

Next month the children will be having their Easter Celebration with a full meal – Meat – Rice- Beans and a soda.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Graduating Students and the Boys Soccer Team

There is a need in these 2 areas, any donation will help.

5 graduating students need uniforms and supplies for High School.
$400 needed; cost per child $80.00
$160.00 still needed to meet this goal.

Boys soccer team, none of them have shoes. They play in bare feet.
Total needed Shoes cost per child - $10.00 - total needed $180
$80.00 still needed to meet this goal

Friday, January 27, 2012

Graduating Students

Our first graduating class of student all passed and are now in the 9th grade.
There were 24 students in their class
Peter placed 3rd
Josephine placed 6th
Regina placed 10th
I am so proud of all of them all!

5 of the 8 students passed the entrance exam for the secondary school.

Please consider donating to help pay for these children to continue on in school something they NEVER dreamed was possible.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The beginning of a New Year

The children will be starting their new school year on January 31st. Next week the 8 students that sat for the primary 2 entrance exam should find out if they passed.

I will be receiving the class pictures of all of the students by the end of February. It is amazing watching these young children grow up. Many of the children I have their pictures from, 2008, 2010 and 2011.
My goal in 2012 is to raise enough money to feed 400 children everyday and to raise the teachers salary from $1.00 per day to $2.00 per day. Please consider being 1 of 200. If 200 people provide $5.00 per month this goal will be reached. 5 people have pledged to do this 195 more to go.

Or if you are interested in sponsoring a student $25.00 a month will pay their school fees and provide a life changing gift. The first gift they receive is a mosquito net to prevent malaria, a mattress most children sleep on the ground or on a pile of rags before they received the mattress. This year the first gift they will receive is a blanket to keep them warm when they are sleeping.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Farouq- update

Hello All,
Several people have asked me how Farouq is doing. He is being treated for Spinal TB and is responding to the medication well. He is gaining weight and breathing better he does not have to go back to the Hospital until February. In February I am praying we will hear that he is well enough to have surgery on his hernia. Please keep this young child in your prayers.
Many blessings and much Love,
Mum Sandy

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Resolution

This years goal - 100 children sponsored. $25.00 Per month or $300 per year.
(30 Children sponsored 70 more needed)

The sponsorship program is life changing for the children, their family, the school and the entire Village of Bakka.
The gift of a goat or hog is producing results. During my October visit to Hassan's home they were drinking goat milk. This milk was from the goat he received as a gift. In his letter to me he reported that he now has 2 goats. These goats will provide income for the women that he stays with.
Last year the children received mattresses. I visited 12 homes and all of the children and the families they stayed with over joyed and praised God for answered prayer. Most of the children slept on rags before the gift.

This year the children will be receiving blankets to keep them warm while they sleep.
The mosquito nets are protecting them from malaria,the animals are providing income, the mattresses are providing a good nights sleep and the blankets will help them to keep warm.

The Christian Mission Academy
This years Goal to feed 400 children daily and provide a raise for the teachers. From $1.00 per day to $2.00 per day. To achieve this goal 200 people donating $5.00 per month or $60 per year. (4 have signed up 196 more needed)
The incoming class of 2012 is 17 children, 3 of these children are sponsored.
2011 had 8 children that graduated, 2 of the children are sponsored.
2010's had 4 children that graduated only 3 were eligible to go onto secondary education.
Before 2010 NO child had ever graduated from the Christian Mission Academy.

In 2007 there were 100 children attending the school, because they had no other choice.
In 2011 there were 400 children attending the school, the school is providing hope, and it is now a source of pride to attend.

The children that attend the Christian Academy come from all religious backgrounds. All children are provided an education and are never turned away if they can't pay. Many children walk for 3 hours to attend the school.

Love, prayer and donations is the only way this can happen.
Much love, Mum Sandy
