Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why Uganda?

 I am often asked why Uganda ? Sandy there is so much need in the US,  why Uganda.  I will never know why God called me to Uganda but he did. God showed me horrors that I have never seen before and  he called me to make a difference. 
In Uganda God gave me a family of  400 children filled with disease, malnutrition, bug lava in their cracked dry skin, worms in their empty bellies with no hope.  These children  are are often  traded as slaves to other farms, many are abused by their guardians,or worse by people offering their families a hopeful future with education for their child and actually selling them into the sex trade.
I am on my knees every morning asking God to please help me  provide, food shelter, clothing and joy for my family in Bakka.
What would you do?


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