Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dear supporters friends,  

I thank you all for your the support provided!  2013  had been an amazing year filled with miracles, joy and hope. During my visit in 2012 God gave me a task that was incompressible to me. Improve the children’s health.    I prayed made the commitment tried setting things up, tried to raise funds to visit in February. None of the things I worked on were successful.  BUT  God was so faithful in answering my prayers. In the Spring of 2013 we connected with Show Mercy International.  
Show Mercy built a medical center in a village not to far from Bakka.  An arrangement was made.  The children from the Christian Mission Academy, their siblings, parents and guardians could all go to Show Mercy Medical Center and they would not be charged. I would receive the bill
All the children were treated for worms, any child with jiggers, malaria and any sickness could go to Show Mercy and  be treated.  We provided every child at the school with a mosquito net, every child received a pair of najina shoes.   This is wonderful all the easily treatable diseases taken care of.

Now the hard stuff started surfacing, I knew it was there but there were no faces connected with it yet, HIV.   A child 5 years old had been at Show Mercy very sick every week.  The nurse at Show Mercy told me she should be tested for HIV.    The Mom did not want to face the pain and the stigma having  HIV would add to the already desperate family. 3 young children and a  struggling mom.   After a commitment from me that we would provide, she took her family to be tested.  When the results came back she was devastated.  She was HIV positive and so was her young daughter just as suspect by the Nurse at Show Mercy.  She now knew what took her husbands life.   This family is now provided with food and transportation every month.   The cost of this care $60.00 per month. This provides food that they NEVER dreamed of being able to afford, but will help them from being ill from the treatment.

Fundraising for 400 children and all their family  receiving medical care is not a small task. Fundraising to providing food for the 3 families identified with HIV monthly is also not a small task.

In addition to medical treatment I am also working on protecting children from being sold traded or arranged marriages.  This is also not a small task. I feel very strongly that I need to go to Uganda in February when the children return to school.  This is when most children do not return and we have to spend a year trying to get them back.  I will be on the ground and working on it.  An American on the ground can make a difference, 3 out of 5 children have been returned during my visit.

100% of the funds raised go where they are dedicated. This project has NO OVER HEAD,NO ADMINISTATION.  100% of your money goes where it is designated!

My time is volunteered, my vacation time is used for my trips.  I need support for my airline ticket, the place I will stay.~ 2800.00
 Please consider sponsoring me in the work that I do or donating.   
If designated to a specific item pictures will be provided
Medical treatment $5.00
Mattress $25.00
Blanket $25.00
Food for a family $60
Sponsorship $300 per  year $25.00 per month
Sandy's visit any amount will help:)

 Loving a Village one Child at a Time!
Much love,
Mom sandy gwoyogala

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Amazing Journey and the next steps

My trip to Uganda  in October was absolutely amazing.   Rescuing Rachel - confirmed she has returned to school.  HIGHLIGHT of the week!

Catherine's grandfather heard I was in the village, an looked for me.  He wanted to thank me for the goats our project provided for him. They now have 4 goats and one of them is pregnant.  The gift of the goats has blessed their family abundantly.  He is praising God for such a gift.

Farouq is doing well and preparing for his surgery in December.

During my visit and while attempting to rescue Winnie.(I have not given up)  finding out Hamila was taken by her uncle to work in his store, talking to Francises mom and getting him to return to school.
I have identified a pattern.  Kids are taken,sold and traded during the long holiday stretch from November to February.  I am planning a return trip in February.   This trip will be different from other trips.  (I will still be going in October)  this trip is to set the stage for the year and encourage the parents/guardians to allow the children to return to school.  Hopefully the trip will help prevent the need to try to rescue kids for an entire year. 
This is a very  aggressive plan as it  usually takes me a year to fund raise for the trip.    Air fair has dropped and is now around $1,300.00 reducing the cost by ~ $200.00so the amount I need to raise is ~$2,800
Any end of the year donation (tax deductible ) would be appreciated more than you could ever imagine.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Visit 2013

The week went by so fast!
We arrived Monday morning-running errands all day.  Exchanging money, picking up a shipment, shopping for the week.

Tuesday we delivered gifts to the Baby class,Top class and the 7th grade.
The students in the 7th grade are preparing to take their final exam.  They will leave for the exam on Friday boarding at the exam place from Friday - Tuesday.
Transportation and lodging fees have already been provided.  Keep the children in your prayers.  If they don't pass it will mean another year in 7th grade.
We also visited the homes of Winnie and Rachel.  Winnie's mom provided a cell number to contact her on. The phone has been turned off, we will continue to try but for now no rescue made.

Rachel's home visit amazing timing!   Rachel called her dad right when we arrived. She was returned based on our promise to care for the family. But the situation Rachel was in has broken her.  She was working in a hotel.  Prayers are needed.

We visited Miracles home too.Thanking her jaja (grandmother) for allowing her to attend school.