Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Visit 2013

The week went by so fast!
We arrived Monday morning-running errands all day.  Exchanging money, picking up a shipment, shopping for the week.

Tuesday we delivered gifts to the Baby class,Top class and the 7th grade.
The students in the 7th grade are preparing to take their final exam.  They will leave for the exam on Friday boarding at the exam place from Friday - Tuesday.
Transportation and lodging fees have already been provided.  Keep the children in your prayers.  If they don't pass it will mean another year in 7th grade.
We also visited the homes of Winnie and Rachel.  Winnie's mom provided a cell number to contact her on. The phone has been turned off, we will continue to try but for now no rescue made.

Rachel's home visit amazing timing!   Rachel called her dad right when we arrived. She was returned based on our promise to care for the family. But the situation Rachel was in has broken her.  She was working in a hotel.  Prayers are needed.

We visited Miracles home too.Thanking her jaja (grandmother) for allowing her to attend school. 

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