Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April - amazing

The children had a wonderful Easter Dinner.  A church service led by Pastor Frank,  a meal , followed by games.  Thank you to everyone that donated to there meal!

All 15 secondary students have their school supplies.
Our 2 candidates will be living at school starting when they return to school.

Our Kids are all receiving dental care. A dentist went to the school and evaluated all the children and teachers.
300 teeth need to be pulled $1,200
291 teeth filled $3492 
156  Cleaning and fluoride treatment $2496.00
Donations welcomed this is not a small bill.  

We are starting the project to build a second well in the  village!

A team of 8 confirmed going on our trip in September - October

Saturday Evening 6:00 PM at Trinity Covenant Church. We are having Lasagna, salad, rolls, and desert. I will be telling the story of the project from the beginning ending as current as possible. So much is happening so fast even I can't keep up! ALL WELCOMED!

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