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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day- Random thoughts

Christmas the Birth of Our Savior.  The candle light service lead by Pastor Chris Haydon, last night was thought provoking.   Our world is broken,  innocent children are being killed, not unlike around the time of Jesus birth.  Innocent people are starving.  Innocent people are caught  in the darkness of being stereo typed.
It  all so overwhelming!  What can we do to stop it? 

 I think of Mary and her strength,  and faith.  When she was  told she would bear a child Our Lord and Savior,  she was  not more than and child herself, not married  and a virgin.  She responded
" May it be  done unto to me as you have said" .  She was risking scandal and charges that could lead her to death by stoning.  She declared she was the Lords Bond Servant.

If we all lived with faith that Mary had,  God could use us to change the world.  God has a plan for each and everyone of us.  May we all choose to be his bond servant where ever we are called.

God does not call the qualified he calls the weak, the broken and the unskilled so the world can see the great work he can do if we rely completely on him. 
 He can do a great work through every single one of us if we give ourselves completely to him.  If we are not afraid of being stoned, ostracized, homeless, broken, broke, or  judged.  He calls us all down the very narrow path and it is never the safe path,it is never the secure path!

My very  favorite Christmas Carol "Mary Did You Know"  The angel told her she was giving birth to the most high, how much of what she was being asked to do did she comprehend .
What amazing  faith she had! 

2015 - My prayer  God - I am your bond servant use me as you need me in this broken world!  I will not be afraid for I know you are with me

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