Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Animal project update.

Christian Mission Academy- July update!
This month we did an evaluation of the animals provided to the children over the past several years. Our evaluation confirmed the project is a success! Several children now have multiple animals. Many of the children sold their mature animal to purchase clothes, shoes and purchase a baby animal to do it again. Only 4 animals died without providing income to the family
During the month of August,
11 families will be receiving a goat or hog.
11 children will receive mosquito nets
10 children will receive a mattress
10 children will receive a blanket.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

This years half way  highlights.
1.  Farouqs treatment will be complete next month.  The doctors are amazed at the progress he has made. 
2.  We provided the teachers a 50% raise and have been able to raise enough money to cover it every month
3. Unexpected- We purchased the land next to the school.  This was unexpected because we had been renting this land. The owner died and his surviving children decided to sell it.  We had to act quickly.  God answered my prayers- we raised $12,250 in 3 months to complete the purchase.
4. Sent 10 boxes in 3 shipment filled with toys and pillow cases for the ladies sewing business.  They go by slow boat. The first shipment has arrived.
5. Goal of 100 children sponsored by the end of the year July we reached the halfway mark.  49 to reach 100.
6.  All 8 secondary students are sponsored for their high school education.  Early 2013 goal is for this graduating class of ~13 students (If they pass) to receive sponsorship for their secondary eduction
7. All the children are fed lunch now.  Still need to coordinate getting them mats for a nap before they walk home.
8.  We received a very generous donation. Every family at the school will receive the gift of an animal goat, hog or chickens.
9.A team of 5 people will be going to Uganda the end of October.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July update --

We made it to the half way mark 50 children sponsored.  The Sponsorship project is making amazing progress this year. 
The children will be on break for the month of August returning the beginning  of September.

Upcoming Events - Mark your calendars

August 6th  12- 5 The Waxy O'Connor fund raising is 1 month away. Please let me know if you are planning on attending.

September 15th Crafts from Around the World  10 -2 @ Trinity Covenant Church.
Hold the date October 6th,  7pm - 10pm  to attend a fund raising dance.  More details coming  soon be prepared to come dress in your favorite dance trend - 50's - 60's - 70's or 80's. We already have a DJ and now just need to finalize where.