Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Celebration

The party was originally planned for the orphaned and needy children only but many more came. It was a day of celebration and hearing the story of the birth of Our Saviour Baby Jesus. The children received balloons, pop-corn , cake and a drink. When the children return to school, a gift of a slide and balls for the fute ball and net ball teams will be waiting for them. Thank you to everyone that contributed to this celebrations.
Much love,

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas in the Village

The year has ended for the children in the Village of Bakka, it ended with a celebration that included a meal, soda and candy for the children. The children with sponsors wrote letters to the families that sponsor them. They are very happy and thankful for the gifts, many of the animals we provided have had babies, the mosquitio nets have protected them from malaria, the mattresses have provided a good nights rest.
Many thanks to all the sponsors. Please consider sponsoring a child, it is life changing for the child, their family, the 400 students that attend the Christian Mission Academy and the entire Village of Bakka.

On December 23rd the neediest children from the Christian Mission Academy will be attending a Christmas Service. I am raising money to provide them with a meal and cookies or cake. Please consider donating to this celebration.
Many blessings,
Mom Sandy

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daytime with Donna

Many thanks to our new sponsor Daytime with Donna, for working with us to help find sponsors for the children.
Check out the website.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

End of the School Year

In Uganda the school year ends the beginning of December. This Friday the children will learn if they are being promoted to the the next grade. It is a day filled with anticipation and excitement.
Their vacation begins and they don't return to school until the beginning of February. During their vacation they will work in their families gardens or their neighbors gardens. They call it digging on the land.

I am attempting to raise enough money for the children to have a Christmas celebration of a meal, soda and candy. This is what every child in Uganda dreams of receiving at Christmas.

I pray you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and are filled with anticipation of the coming of Our Lord this Christmas Season.
Much love,
Mom Sandy

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Donation Button

Hello All,
Many people have been asking for an easy way to donate. I now have a donate button set up with PayPal on my blog.
My goal by the middle of December to have 200 people donate $4.00 each!
I will post the status.
The money raise will be used to provide a Christmas celebration for the Children at the Christian Mission Academy.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

2011 review

Thank you for all of the support you have provided this year for the projects I work on. Together we are changing a village by providing hope through education and showing God’s love. During my visit to Uganda in October I was overjoyed to see the children happily enjoying their school. It is a source of pride for them. They have a net ball team and a fute ball (soccer) team and a school choir. Praise God!
The women were rejoicing and praising God for the gift of a rental place for their sewing business.

2011 accomplished this year.

Through the sponsorship program, fundraising and donations
v 26 children receive mattresses,
v 11 children received mosquito nets.
v 400 children received a meal every day
v 8 teachers were paid monthly

Through fund raising, donations and jewelry sales
v The 3rd school building was completed
v 3 shipments of clothing and school supplies
v Supporting a couple, by providing the hospital fees to release their baby that died from the hospital for burial.
v A child was provided a nebulizer and asthma medication
v A child is being care for with spinal TB
v The women’s sewing business has a rental place
v The women are being trained to make pillow case dresses
v During my trip to Uganda I visited 12 sponsored children’s homes
v Donations paid for an emergency c-section.
v 3 children were sponsored for their secondary education.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Farouq has spinal tb and is on medication to stop the progression of the TB. I am trying to learn how the system works to get him medical visa and treatment in the U.S.

  1. They mom Farouq and the interpreter need to get passports

  2. The Doctor in Entebbe has to write up something for a medical visa

  3. I need to find sponsors for him and I think his mother and interpreter ??while they are here.

  4. Raise money for air fare- 3 tickets I think. An interpreter because neither Farouq nor his mother speak English

  5. Find a doctor here that is willing to help him.- I have contacted a doctor from Childrens Hospital recommended by another Doctor in Philly that treated a child with the same condition.

Prayers and money needed. No child should have to suffer as much as this child is suffering.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Uganda 2011

Pastor Frank, Hope, and Paddy were with me everyday as I went on my extraordinary adventures. We were filled with Joy and Humbled while we were working for God.

My visit at the school was a true joy. The third school block is almost finished. The students continue to be proud of their school and like their teachers. There are 8 students in 7th grade this is doubled from last year.
While visiting we enjoyed a net ball game the teachers verses the students, The teachers won but the cheer leaders were definitely in favor of the students. There was a fute ball game, the school choir sang. I visited all of the classes met with the teachers. I enjoyed the 3 days I spent with them.

But I do have a major concern with the school. The children from ages ranging from 4-7 grade preschool through 2nd are released from school at 1:00. These children walk home alone many walk for 2 – 3 hours. To put in perspective there day. they have walked to school 2- 3 hours then they studied at school have a small snack at 10:00 and then walk another 2-3 hours home. This past week a young girl from the top class (kindergarten) was hit and killed by a car while walking to school.
When I asked why do the children walk so far to school why don’t they go to a school closer to home. The answer was they can not afford to go to the other schools. The Christian Academy is the only school that allows children to attend when they can’t afford to pay.
The school is supported by the children that are sponsored, I currently have 25 students that are sponsored. To meet the schools needs monthly approximately 84 children need to be sponsored. If you are interested let me know. I promise you it will be the BEST $25.00 you spend in a month. Less than $1.00 per day how many times do you spend a $1.00 without even thinking about it. $1.00 is 3 meals for a hungry child in Uganda.

During my time in Uganda I visited 12 of the sponsored children’s homes. While I don’t have the time to tell the story of every home visit I have selected a few to represent the intense joy and pain I experienced during my visits.
One of the first homes, we visited Lydia’s was quite a distance off of the road, so we walked through the bush. When we came into the clearing and the Grandmother JaJa saw us coming she dropped to her knees and looked to the heavens and praised God. She then hugged me and prayed for me. I did not understand the words she was saying but I felt like I was being hugged by God. Lydia’s JaJa then told us that during the rainy season this year their house collapsed (the pile of rubble in front of us.) she praised God that no one was killed and the community had built her a new home. The mattress we were delivering to her was an answer to her prayers. She invited us into her home which was an empty except for a baby sleeping on the dirt floor and the materials she was using to make mats for them to sleep on. Lydia’s, JaJa is a substance farmer they live on what she grows. I was truly humbled by this visit.

A visit to Hasan’s home, Hasan is a total orphan no family at all. He lives off of the road so we walked through the bush at the end was a tiny house. When I entered the house Hasans JaJa was sitting preparing for tea. Her first response was to look up and praise God, then she held my hand and prayed for me, another powerful prayer.
Surrounding the JaJa were 3 small children 2 sleeping on the floor. Ja Ja told us they had malaria and she was praying the treatment they had was enough
to heal them. None of the children she cared for were hers, they were all abandoned by their families. She told us when they become older she has to protect the children from being taken to work as slaves in neighboring gardens. I counted 7 children and the house was too small to hold the mattress we were delivering. It was not much bigger than a closet.

Now the home visit that caused me to take immediate action. Farouq a young handicapped child. It was not until my home visit that I learned about Faroug’s needs. He has trouble breathing, hunched back has a hernia on his chest, suffers from malnutrition and malaria. The mother said the hunch back was not treatable but the hernia was. She did not have the money to get treatment for him. Farouq was take to the hospital in Kampala on Wednesday. The hospital in Kampala said they were not set up to treat him so they sent him to the hospital in Entebbe. The hospital in Entebbe said to bring him back on Tuesday with the money for the tests. Please pray for healing for this child. Donations for his care would also be greatly appreciated.

On to my next project
I spent 2 days with the women’s sewing business. The pillow case dress project was received with great excitement. The women learned how to cut the pillow case dresses and started sewing. I have pictures of the children modeling them also young girls using them as blouses. They were all VERY excited. During my visit Pastor Frank and I also identified a place for them to rent so they could start their business. Rentals are done very differently in Uganda. My September Crafts from around the world shows raised enough money for 3 months rent. They should be moving into their space this week.

Hope and Edrian’s baby was born while I was there. The celebration was small because Edrian had just come home from the hospital from having a c-section. When I presented them with the shower gifts and money they were truly over whelmed with wide open eyes and huge smiles they kept repeating the Lord has blessed our baby.
The last full day of my visit was spent with my Ugandan family, our own Steven Kakiyia’s family. They are a humble family that care for so many people that I don’t think they know how many brothers and sisters they have. We began the day at the Uganda’s Independent day celebration. 10 children bouncing on bouncy rides and trampolines enjoying a day of fun.
We then went to home and spent time visiting with their Mom. The day with a family picture for me to bring to their beloved brother Steven.

This was my third trip to Uganda, it is very painful, I know and love the 400 children and many families in Uganda. I am in pain and tormented that their need is so great and my resouces are so small.
There are 2 billion people in the world living in the circumstances I witness in Uganda. God knows everyone of these people by name I can't even fathom his pain.

Checks can be made out to Trinity Covenant Church
mailed to
Trinity Covenant Church
7 Clematis Road
Lexington MA 02421
Attention Sandy Gannon
A donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated, as mentioned above $1.00 is 3 meals.
Love and Peace,
Mom Sandy

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Crafts from Around the World

Crafts from around the world began when a group of (5) women discovered they were doing the same thing for women and children in different locations around the globe.

This group of women all travel to the locations that they support. The trips are expensive and long the but the women feel personal connection of love and friendship with the women and children that are supported by these project. Come to one of the Craft Fairs meet these women and support their efforts in changing the world one village at a time.

1. Sandy Gannon –Trinity Covenant Church volunteers with Hearts and Hands for Uganda
2. Maria Haynes- First Baptist Church volunteers with Communities Without Boarders in Zambia.
3. Edie Swenson Volunteers with the Wings for Hope Lhasa, Tibet.
4. Ben Imsong volunteers with the Mercy Mission in Nagaland.
5. Robin McManus- Hancock Church volunteers in Ghana.

Crafts from Around the World Dates
 September 17 at Trinity Covenant Church 7 Clematis Road Lexington MA
 October 22nd at First Baptist Church, 1580 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington MA
 November 12th at First Baptist Church, 1580 Massachusetts Ave Lexington MA
 December 3rd at First Baptist Church, 1580 Massachusetts Ave Lexington MA

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Piece of Paper

Another lesson.
How often do you think of the value of a single piece of paper?
The children in the Village of Bakka consider a single piece of paper as a precious resource and will make use of every space on paper,tearing off peices for different purposes, when the content on the paper is no longer needed they use the paper for wrapping and storing seeds or fueling the fire to cook.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Children of Uganda

There is something very important that I am not sure I have expressed clearly in my previous posts.

I learn more from the people of Uganda than they learn from me.

They are one, the family lines are not clear because they truly love their neighbor as them selves.
An example of this, last year when I visited, one of the sponsors sent a bag of candy to the child they sponsor. The gift was given to the child no one knew what was in the bag she received. She could have taken the bag home and no one would have know about the candy. It could have been her own Private stash. This little girl took out the bag of candy and with GREAT JOY shared the entire bag of candy with all the other children having only 1 piece for herself. The actions of this child was truly humbling and inspirational to me.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Heading to Uganda October 1st

My trip to Uganda in October is booked!
I will not be staying in the Village, it would too difficult for my hosts.

I will be visiting the school, visiting some of the sponsored children's homes, working with the ladies in the sewing business. I have patterns and material for small items they can make and sell.
Visiting with my grandson Steven and his family. Working with the ladies in the jewelry business.

In September I have 2 shows scheduled- Products from Uganda and Columbia, and soon from the Congo.
September 17th at Trinity Covenant Church 10-2 after the sale we are having a baby shower for Edrian my coordinator in Uganda's wife. She is having a baby boy in October. I will bring the gifts with me when I go.
September 24th and 25th the Craft Sale is at the Women's Retreat in Swansey NH

Live your life with the heart of a servant. Give freely of your time your love and your service; make a decision daily to be the answer to someone else's prayer!
I will keep you all posted!
With Love,
MOM Sandy

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Uganda 2011

Hello All,
I will not be staying in the village, it does not have electricity nor a hotel of any kind. It would be a big imposition to everyone so I will be staying in Makindei.

The Women's Sewing Business.
I am trying to raise money for 3 months worth of rent $225.00for the ladies sewing business and enough to hire a trainer $20.00 per week, 240.00 for 3 months
The School
We still need to finish building the 3rd block $2,000.00 this project was under estimated and inflation is really bad in Uganda.

The Children
I am still trying to find 39 sponsors for the children. A couple of sponsors can no longer afford to pay because they are unemployed. I don't want the connection with the children lost because they can't pay so I try to raise the money for these children and send it in the sponsors name. Currently I am raising money for 6 to 7 children and 21 children have donating sponsors.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Returning to Uganda

Hello All,
I am planning on returning to Uganda in October. This time I want to stay in the vilage of Bakka for a few days. (The only thing that makes me nervous about staying in the village is the BUGS. The ant hills are bigger than I am.) Too much time is wasted traveling back and forth. This will allow me to spend more time with the children and visit with their faamilies.
I still need to raise money to meet the expences involved in this. Please consider making a donatation.
Trinity Covenant Church
7 Clematis Road
Lexington Ma
02451 -Attention Sandy
On the subject line put Sandys Uganda Adventure.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Being God's Love

God's love!

I want to thank the many loving people that have help change the lives of children in the village of Bakka. The sponsored children's lives have been forever changed by the goodness of your heart. I KNOW it is a sacrifice to give $25.00 every month. Thank you very much. You are a gift of LOVE.

This month is one of the most difficult health wise for the children in the village and the supporting team in Uganda. Amazing kindness of my friends and church family have made . A young baby died 8 months old. The hospital would not release the body until the bill was paid. One hour after I shared this situation enough money was raised and the baby was released for burial.
A pregnant mother had been sick for months, she could not afford the necessary test to find out what was wrong. Again 1 hour after the need was shared the money was raised. The young mother was diagnosed as having a very bad infection and put on antibiotic.
My co worker Hopes young son has severe asthma. He needs medical treatment costing $95.00 per month for the next 9 months. This is a HUGE expense for the family. Hope earns $165.00 per month. PLEASE consider donating to help this young man and his family.
Make a tax deductable donation to
Trintiy Covenant Church
7 Clematis Road
Lexington Ma, 02421
Attention Sandy Gannon

'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' 40 And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Amazing story of 2 little girls

Two little girls in Melrose have the heart of Jesus.

When these two little girls heard about the Children from the Christian Mission Academy in Uganda they took action. They went into their room and gathered up their best coloring books, pencils, small toys and craft supplies. They gave an unopened art set and said to send this gift to a child on their birthday.

The same girls took action during Haiti's earthquake. When they read in the Boston Globe that soap could help prevent the spread of colira, they took action and did a soap drive.

They are in the 1st and 2nd grade and are changing the world. They are truly inspirational.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Comments from sponsors

You are so sweet to let us know. I feel very certain this program is one of the very best. You work so hard and it shows.
What a sweet letter. Thank you so much for this Sandy, it means a lot.

It's great to get the letters and the pictures. Many thanks for coordinating the program - I'm thrilled to participate.

Thanks for the picture and the letter. It's great to see pictures of Barbara. Is it possible to send something to her? I don't know anything about mail or shipping but thought maybe I would send something for Christmas. Need your advice because I don't want to do anything wrong here.

Your work on this is AMAZING!

Thank you so much for the pictures. We love looking at them. How old are Geofrey's brothers? Are they available for sponsorship?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Children needing sponsors

KASOZI GODFREY - Entering grade 3 his mother is a simple farmer and his father has died. He has been identified by the teachers as being one of the neediest children attending the school.

Najingo Ruth- is in P.5. She lost her father and she is staying with her mother plus her sister and brothers as seen in the family photo below. The mother is the one who takes care of them all. She is a simple farmer.

Please consider sponsoring one of these children.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

2010 year in Review

2010 a year in review
The children at the Christian Mission Academy in the village of Baaka, Uganda started off 2010 on the right foot. In January they began attending a brand new school equipped with better class rooms and an overall better learning environment.

Starting in February the Sunday school children of Trinity Covenant Church (TCC) raised money during lent for the children from the Christian Mission Academy. They raised enough money to purchase a backpacks for all 240 the children attending the Christian Mission Academy. In August the backpacks arrive in Uganda. During my visit there was a sea of purple backpacks every where.

The smallest gesture in the world can mean the world to someone else. This was the case in April when sponsored children received mosquito nets to protect them while they sleep. Malaria is the leading killer of children in the village. 98% of the children at the Christian Academy had malaria. For a donation of $10.00 a child will be protected.

In the month of May the paper back story Steven goes to school went on sale, at the Family Fun Fair held at Trinity Covenant. This book is about the day in the life of a child attending 1st grade in Uganda. The book sells for a $6.00 donation.

July each sponsored child receive a goat or a hog. This gift to the sponsored child and their guardian is life changing on many different levels. The child is valued more by the family. The family has another way to raise money.

In September The Burlington Cricket Club and Trinity Covenant Church teamed donated enough money for a water tank to be built at the Christian Academy. And by November the water tank for the Christian Academy was complete The water tank is life changing for the school and the village. The children no longer need to walk 20 minutes to gather water for lunch. The people in the community are allowed to gather water from the tank when it is full. The water in the tank is being used to make bricks for the new school block to be completed in 2011.

In October I visited Uganda for a week and was very impressed by the progress and change that occurred since my last visit. The head mistress Margaret is doing a fantastic job. The school has its very first graduating class. The school choir is amazing, the girls netball team made the village tournament, the boys football team also made the village tournament. This is life changing for the children of the Academy.

Crafts from around the World is the selling of jewelry and art made by people from in Columbia and Uganda. The proceeds from the sale of the crafts raised enough money to purchase 4 sewing machines to start a small business for the ladies form the Jesus Power Church in Uganda.

I am very excited about the changes we can make in 2011!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas in Uganda

While there are similarities in the Christmas season such as it is an opportunity to make money. My friend Steven told us that as a child he look forward to Christmas because it is the one day in the year they would have a soda with a meal that included rice and beef or chicken. The parents have to work harder and longer to earn the money for this special dinner. Last year I was sent a picture of the children from the Christian Academy and they were all holding a bottle of orange soda. I now have very different emotions about this picture.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Goals for 2011

2011 Goals
 By July have 35 children sponsored – 19 are currently sponsored
 Raise money for the 4th building which will hold the Library, Office and Medical building.
 Scholarships for the 4 graduating students. $400.00 each for the year.
 Increase crafts to include the products from around the world.
 Research Solar Panels for the school so they have electricity
 Set up Computer Training for the Girls from JPC
 Set up training for knitting for the girls from JPC
 Set up sewing training for the girls from JPC
 Coordinate pen pals for the girls from JPC