Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013- Operation get healthy

The primary focus in 2013 will be improving the  health of children at the Christian Mission Academy.
#1 - Testing the children  and documenting their get healthy plan 
#2 - Providing medication for over the counter needs - De worming and skin disease.
#3 - Medical room at the school with a Nurse to care for the sick children.

I am in the process of 
Coordinating an on the ground team to do the testing.
Raising the funds for the test kits
Getting donation for the medication for the skin disease.
If anyone has any contacts to help in  improving the childrena health let me know.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christian Mission Academy 2012 Review

Christian Mission Academy 2012 Review

In 2008 my first visit to Uganda and the Christian Mission Academy the school  buildings were falling down.  Even more devastating than that the children did not have the ability to imagine a future.  They did not know how to dream.  Together we have changed that.  This year I was overjoyed to see the children eyes were sparkling.  They are dreaming of becoming teachers, nurses, mechanics, and even doctors. 

2012 an Amazing year 
Animal Project
We evaluated the animal project and the results were very encouraging. Only 4 families did not receive income from the animal provided.  During our visit walking around Bakka families would call to me to come and see there animal.  They were so proud and happy.  Some families sell the animal when it is grown and purchase another baby. With the additional money they purchase clothes, seed for food and supplies for the home.  Some families mate there animal and sell some of the babies.  They have a source of income they never had before.  The families that have  female goats also enjoy the milk.

The Christmas Field Trip
The buses picked the children up at school.  How they made it into the village is a mystery to me.  It was raining, a bus slipped off the road and got stuck in the mud.  The men in the village helped push the bus out. 
The field trip included 3 activities
1. The Entebbe Airport to see the Airplanes up close.
2. Entebbe Zoo.  The teachers were as excited as the children most of them had never been out of the village. 
3. Lake Victoria to play in the playground and admire the water, plus a picnic lunch. 

This field trip opened a new world for the children and expand their  hope and dreams.

Saving a Life
Farouq  suffering from spinal TB was provided life saving medical care. He is now able to sing in the school choir and attends school everyday.

v     375 children provided a meal everyday
v     10 teachers paid on time every month
v     35 additional families have animals
v     18 boys on the soccer team received shoes
v     Additional land purchased for the school
v     The Students saw there first movie
v     62 children sponsored – there is still a month left maybe I will reach my goal of 100.

2013 – Focus on
Improving the children’s health  *Government Certification for the School
I have seen many horrifying sights when I visit the village.  This year I witnessed a fly lava hatching from inside a babies nose. This magnified my passion to improve the lives of these children.  They need simple medication to help cure their skin disease, a more nutritious diet for their malnutrition, medication to get rid of the worms inside their bellies. 

Estimated cost to achieve these goals

  1. Medical Evaluations for every child- $20.00 per child- $8,000
  2. Treatment for worms-  TBD Contacting Pharmaceutical companies for free treatment.
  3. Skin diseases – many are treatable by desitin.  Collection drive to ship. Cost of shipping $100.00
  4. Ongoing treatment for Farouq- TBD
  5. A new building – Library – Medical Center – Office – Kitchen  ~$25,000
  6. Benches for the class room $2,100.00
  7. Fence for the school- TBD
  8. Secondary Students Uniforms -$1,300

Total ~$50,000

2013 School Monthly operating budget
$1,200.00 Monthly  Staff Salaries
$1,000.00- school lunches
$   420.00 secondary students  monthly school fees
$2,620.00  Month Total  
 Yearly Total  $31,400

2013 -  Budget   $81,400  Yes this is more than double last years budget.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Field Trip Slide show

I finally figured out how to add the pictures from Picasa web pages.  Click on the slide show and it will open up. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christian Mission Academy Field Trip

The children and teacher all loaded into 4 buses in the rain to go on their adventure.  I can't imagine how the buses made it into the village the roads are so narrow.  It was raining and one of the buses got stuck in the mud.  This delayed the field trip some. 
There first stop was the air port but they got to see planes up close and see one take off. 
They then went to the Entebbe Zoo where the pictures say it all.  .
After the zoo they went to Lake Victoria where the children played at the play ground checked out the water and had their lunch.  The teachers enjoyed the day as much as the students.

The children will remember this day for the rest of their life.
Thank you to every one that helped make it happen.