Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

September !

Hello All,
The Flat Bread Fund Raiser - $436.36 - wow plus the raffle $244.00 -$680.36 total

September 13th - (Saturday) Waltham Mayors picnic - I will be selling Beads for life jewelry with the Congregational Church from Waltham

September 16th (Tuesday)the Chateau Fund Raiser you need a coupon for the money to go towards the charity. if you would like a coupon.

September 19 (Friday)Mission Night at TCC $6.00 Lasagna, Salad, Rolls and desert. Come and hear about the trips to Camden NJ, Reynosa Mexico, and The Village of Makindai (JPC)and the Village of Baka (CMA)Uganda. Please let me know if you plan on coming so I can get a head count for the food.
Dinner is served from 6:00- 7:00 program starts at 7:00 and wraps up by 9:00

September 20th (Saturday)The Gifts from Around the World- Arts and Craft show at TCC. The money raise from this event will go to children living in poverty from around the world. Camden NJ, Boston MA, Reynosa Mexico, Uganda, India and more...

The goal is to raise $8,000 before the end of September so the school can be completed by the end of the year.

I will also be setting up a sponsorship program for the children from the Christian Mission Academy. The total monthly cost for each child is $20.00 I am hoping people will pledge $5.00 per month.

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