Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Kisoboka - It is Possible

The project is becoming official.  We are in the process of setting up a CBO Community Based Organization in Uganda the name is Kisoboka-It is Possible!

The children will all be returning to school on Monday. The beginning of the second semester, the second semester the children compete in Futball and net ball it is a village wide tournament. 

In the month of April Medical update
10 children were treated for malaria
1  5 year old child was treated 4 times for second degree burns
1 child treated for an absess
9 parents were treated  for various sicknesses
352 students and 12 teachers had a dental exam
Total bill $532.48

Hospital visits and follow ups
Angel- had tubes put in her ears that helped her hearing slightly.  She will return weekly to have her ears cleaned out.
Lovita and Topista was provided medication for epilepsy.
Venestia- had her eyes examined but her eyes are too far gone.
Daniel- continues to make improvement.  He will be receiving an chair and frame this month.

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