Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Kisoboka Academy Sponsorship Program

There are 338 children attending Kisoboka Academy  115 are actively sponsored. Approximately 1/3 of the school. This enables us to pay the staff salaries  on average a they receive a little more than $100 per month.  The teachers are thankful they are paid on time every month.  This monthly salary will never lift them out of poverty.
The children are provide a daily meal of porridge.  This meal will not end malnutrition.

Imagine what could be provided for the children, teachers and school if all 338 children were sponsored. 
A balanced meal everyday
Teachers training
Books for every child
Electricity for the school
The possibilities are endless all that is needed is someone to love a child half way across the world and invest $25 a month in them, providing a future with hope of getting out of the poverty trap they were born into.

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