Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

CMA June Update

Christian Mission Academy
June 2013

Our trip has been scheduled – we will be leaving early morning September 29th returning on October 8th
  During past visits it has been a joy bringing gifts and pictures for the sponsored children from their sponsors. The gifts have been passed out in a small group.   The other children are still aware this is happening; the disappointment in there eyes is overwhelming. They are wondering why they don’t have a sponsor. Why they have not been picked.
This week I received a letter to a sponsor the child wrote.  “My mom told me that you chosen me from the whole school”   This child feels very special; and she is;  but so are all the other children.

This year every child will receive a gift. A drawstring backpack with school supplies in it.  Donations of $10.00 per child would be greatly appreciated. Help make every child feeling special.
The sponsored children will also receive a drawstring backpack and in the back pack will a be any small gift and pictures  the sponsors want to send with me.   Please try to get them to me by the end of August. 

I am in the process of coordinating  every child  receiving  a letter with pictures. Some girl scouts boy scouts plus kids from Pilar Orphanage in Mexico have volunteered to write some.

Every child receiving a  Mosquito net project will be completed this month.

We  raised enough money for every child to receive a pair of shoes. Thank you to everyone that donated to make this happen.

 A follow-up evaluation of the hog project was conducted last week. Most families have benefited  from the project.  Many families are blessed and excited  that their hog is onto its second litter.  Many  hogs are expecting their first litter.  Many have  “good looking” healthy hogs.  A few families lost their hog during the rainy season; the result of  swine flue and other health related issues. Several piglets were eaten by dogs. Only 1 family was identify as not caring for their hog properly. The project is still giving!

In April we learned that Miracle, a 14 year old girl; was no longer allowed to attend school. Her guardian wanted her to get married. Miracle was not  happy about this and ran away a couple times. We were able to talk the guardian into letting Miracle return to  school and not get married.  If Miracle was not sponsored no one would be asking about her. She would now be married and probably pregnant.  

My schedule
July 10th I will be speaking at Gathering For Hope at Grace Chapel in Lexington. Selling Amakula Products.
August 15th -17th Attending The women’s Triennial in San Diego California
 Amakula product will be sold at the Market Place)

September 1st week 3 kids going back to college
September 14th Hosting “A Taste of Uganda” .  This fund raiser will help cover some of the cost of the trip.  ~$3,000.00 per person. More information at the end of the update.

September 16th – 18th- ECC Womens Retreat  Amakula product will be sold at the retreat.
September 17th a volunteer will be selling Amakula at Arlington Town day.
September 29th Leave for Uganda on an early morning flight leaving for the airport around 5am.

If you are willing to sell Amakula products at a Town day or craft fair please let me know! Or  you know of an opportunity for me to sell Amakula product or speak at an event let me know. 
We need 115 children sponsored to meet the monthly operating budget for the school.
 81 children  are now sponsored.  The Amakula jewelry sale and fund raising events are making up the gap.

Loving a Village One Child at a Time.

Donations can be mailed to
Trinity Covenant Church  7 Clematis Road Lexington MA   Attention Sandy Gannon.

Mom sandy Gwoyogala

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