Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Imagine living in a village where the average level of education is 4th grade.
Imagine living in a village where the average age is 15
Imagine living in a village that does not have running water. 
Imagine living in a mud hut
Imagine sleeping on rags on a dirt floor.
Imagine everything you eat is what you can grow
Imagine walking for hours to carry 5 gallons of water on your head. 
Imagine The food you are growing withers and dies, because the water you carry needs to be used for everything to drink, cook, wash  your self your clothes and your dishes.
Imagine peanut butter sandwich being something you have only dreamed of having one day.
Imagine being so hungry you eat dirt to fill your stomach.
Imagine looking into the face of a starving child and doing nothing.
Imagine looking into the face of a starving child and sponsoring them.
Imagine your  sponsored child's graduation from primary school
Imagine your sponsored child's graduation from Senior High
Imagine your sponsored child changing the village!
KISOBOKA- It is Possible

Please consider sponsoring a child. So we can gently and lovingly lift them from a life of extreme poverty!

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