Donations Kisoboka Uganda, Inc.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

October Visit Highlights

Here is a quick trip update.   The end of the year newsletter will be coming out in December
A team of 8 went to Uganda with a a wide variety of skills.
As with every trip it goes by so fast that you can't believe the week has come to an end.  In my case 2 weeks.
As a team we went to Bakka 3 times.
 Saturday we attended a Bazaar in Bakka where the families in the village brought crafts and produce for us to purchase. Baby Daniel had the undivided attention of Victoria.
We purchased our weeks supply of produce from them.  One of my favorite things about Uganda,  they have the freshest produce.
Sunday- We attended church at JPC, it was an amazing service with a rocking worship team.  The evening many  Hearts and Hands recipients held a dinner to celebrate Todd Klipp and the blessing he has been to their lives.  One of many highlights of the evening, they presented a plan to pay it forward.
Monday we visited the school  as always an overwhelming experience seeing children lined up for as far as we can see. We passed out a backpack and school supplies for every child.

  1.  Carolyn baby Daniel and Prayers mom.  She was living in a room in the old school.  I say was because she has been moved into an apartment with electricity.
  2.  Thomas the guardian of at least 10 children.  The goat project blessed him with 4 goats. 2 meat goats and 2 milk goats.
Tuesday we took a day trip to Mukono visiting schools and orphanages . 

  1. Shalom School- a school set up by Steven Kakiyira and his wife Judith, and managed by Agnes and Nicholas.  Uniforms for all the children were sewn by Rose and Silvia.  The schools accomplishments in 3 weeks was amazing!
  2. Chain Foundation a school and orphanage that provides care for the handicap and blind.  
Wednesday- we took a day trip to Jinja.  Visiting  This is my home.  An orphanage for HIV positive children. The amazing owners provide for 64 children that were on the verge of death and thrown away. 

Thursday- Back to Bakka for dancing and celebrating and the special meal and lots of LOVE.   Most of the team left Thursday evening.
Friday - The Kisoboka Board of directors had their first meeting.  Todd , Pastor Frank, Paddy, Sandy, Hope and Pastor Chris. (Picture attached) (Pastor Chris and Todd left in the evening)

Saturday- I shopped and cooked preparing Saturday night supper vegetable soup with banana fritters and   spaghetti sauce for the Sunday dinner.

Sunday- We went to JPC - Bakka. Then I served the team spaghetti and sauce for lunch
Monday - Wednesday- Sized children for shoes and visited homes. I visited homes, 4 new businesses, all our secondary students, the students learning a trade plus the 2 new bore holes.  The week went by so quickly.
  1. Reachel is doing wonderful with her new baby. (Picture attached)
  2. 5 girls not allowed to attend school are now back in school
  3. I  visited and comforted a mother, her 2 year old daughter had recently died of malaria.
  4. I held a baby the result of gang rape, the babies name is Blessing.  Her mother is young and has amazing grace.
  5. A young girl requested boarding fees so she would be protected from being molested by her dad at home. (DONE)

Thursday- I was the guest speaker at  The Children's Talent Extravaganza  at House of Faith, 400 children in attendance! Including the Sunday School from JPC Thursday night I traveled home wishing I had another week to spend. So many more things to do....

I've visited 54 homes in the village. 
There are ~219 families my goal is to visit them all.
We now have 120 children sponsored   16% of the sponsored  children have met their sponsor.
My goal is to double the sponsorship!

My return visit is booked.  This time my daughter Jenny is going with me.
Leaving February 10th returning on the 20th.

A missionary  from the Congo recently called me a sister missionary.  When I told my kids this,  they said we know that's what we tell our friends you do.

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