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Monday, December 29, 2014

Kisoboka The Year of the Family- Week # 1 Thomas

There are 52 weeks in the year.  My new years resolution; every week tell the story of one of my families in the village of Bakka.  Yes I am very excited and starting early!!!

In 2010 Cathy  was sponsored,  her school fees were now  paid. During my visited in 2010, I visited her home and met Thomas, Cathy's grandfather  I gave him 20,000 shillings, which is about $9.00. I was touched by  how thankful Thomas was for this very small gift. It is not uncommon for women or children to kneel down in appreciation. Thomas is the only man that has ever kneel to me.  (just for the record I don't feel comfortable with anyone kneeling to me) I was a very humble by this hard working man.

2011 as part of the life changing gifts Cathy received a goat.

During our visit in 2012,  Pastor Chris, Katie and I were visiting Justine's home.  Thomas heard we were in the village and made a point of finding us.  He wanted to thank us for providing Cathy with a goat and let us know they now had 3 goats, plus had sold one for food.

In 2013, I was becoming more familiar with all the students attending the school.  Hope and Paddy provided me with the parent /guardian's name for every student.  Reviewing the data  there were several children that listed their guardian as Uncle Tom.   My experience in the village is not all Uncles have good intentions for the children they are caring for.  So I wanted to meet Uncle Tom.  I was not aware that I had already met Thomas, in the past.
When we arrived at Thomas's home  late in the afternoon he was sitting reading the Bible.
It was then during that visit I sat down and  learned about Thomas and how truly amazing he is.

Thomas is in his early 50's he grew up in Bakka with 10 siblings.  All his siblings but 2 have diseased, he is caring for their children and their grandchildren plus his own children and grandchildren.  In total he is caring for 9 children.
During our visit I asked Thomas what is your biggest dream!  Without any hesitation he said for all the children to  fear God and receive an education.
I follow the travel clinic nurses instructions completely,  Thomas is the only place where I ate an exotic nut that I had never seen or heard of before.  It  was  not boiled like the travel clinic doctor says everything we eat should be, but it was very good.  

Angel is one of the children Thomas  is caring for, Angel is deaf. Thomas explained when she was 3 she spilled hot porridge on her neck.  They could not afford to take her to the doctor  they treated her traditionally her neck became infected.  Shortly after that she lost her hearing.  She had never seen a doctor. We have followed up by bringing Angel to see a specialist and her hearing has improved slightly.

This year when we approached Thomas to ask what business he would like to be supported in.  His response,  I need to be home with my children.  I can't leave them,  I tend the land and care for animals. Providing more animals was his request.
The fall of 2014 Thomas was provided with 2 meat goats and 2 milk goats.  Now he has 6 goats.

 Who are the we in the story.
Hope Kaliballa - Chairman of the Board of Kisoboka- On the ground in Uganda making it all happen.
Paddy Walikira- Financial Secratrary of Kisoboka- On the ground in Uganda making it all happen.
Esther Bulungi- Community Mobilizer of Kisoboka- On the ground in Uganda making it all happen.
Sandy Gannon - USA Board member Kisoboka- the village voice in the US
Sponsors and supporters of the project without their love prayers and  support Kisoboka would not exist!

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